Not the North Pole, North Pole didn’t hear nothing.
Not the North Pole, North Pole didn’t hear nothing.
The kid has become Shao Kahn, emperor of Outworld. Still want to find them?
After this week we can get back to waiting on EDF. And I guess that next Persona in a vague way. And the next Final Fantasy. And the Remake one. Damn gaming is kind of terrible.
In Fallout 4 you must Remarry Megaton and reconnect with your kids who you helped evaporate.
dat bon mot opening tho
Yeah, I like to imagine everyone just gave people free printing privledges and then Final Fantasy 7 came out.
I wonder how many public libraries in the 90s started charging people for printing pages because of gamefaqs.
That actually looks like a really strong start. Who needs luck or agility when you’re talking your way through the wasteland. Just boost them later if you want.
Only evil mediums. Of which they all are.
Yeah those people are terrible. Hopefully you reported them though and tried to get them removed from the game. Anyways the internet seems to have changed the way the world works and yet the world hasn’t adjusted yet. The real world we could make eye contact and get a read on each other pretty quick, know whether to…
Please don’t assume. You have a theory that bases shittiness on the internet more on the people being harassed and less on the harassers. You’re saying that if everyone just pretended they were white dudes on the internet somehow everyone would suddenly get along because it was totally just some people’s skin color…
Is this anecdotal evidence?
Are you saying that people of color on the internet can’t handle the shitiness of the internet as well as white people?
Yeah having to toughen up is not necessarily easy but it’s more sensible than expecting nobody to ever write a comment that gets under your skin.
Yeah I remember hearing this was how they’d do backwards compatability but it seems like if they still planned on doing that we’d have heard an announcement for it by now. So are they just going to bring the PS3 system to ps4?
I’ve been playing Wasteland 2 on console. That game is kind of a giant turd. Seriously they have a bug now where companions disappear. Also the game just kind of stinks. Long boring sections full of bad level design and combat made worse by bad camera and controls. Like they haven’t played a tactical game on console…
So Bob Ross is illuminati?
Lockout was just produced by Beson. It’s really terrible though.
Recently I saw a post where someone was talking about those problematic review scores, you know universally disposed but an outlet gives it a 9, what are some games you guys found yourselves having opinions on that really didn’t match the crowd?