
Yes!! The TI-99-4A. My brother and I spent countless hours playing Hunt the Wumpus, Alpiner, Munch Man or whatever the Pac-Man knockoff was and… Touch Typing Tutor. Because I was so cool that I found a series of typing lessons (this really didn't make any effort to present itself as a "game") endlessly fun.

I watched the latest episode of Inside Amy Schumer last night (the Twelve Angry Men one)… very timely for this discussion. :)

Yes!! I remember getting into an argument with a friend once because he asked me to say who was more "attractive" between two guys and I gave the "wrong" answer. He was all "I meant OBJECTIVELY, not just the person who happens to get your juices flowing" and I was like "I don't understand the question. Why the hell

I sort of get it. (probably solely because) I'm from Michigan, and a good upper Midwest accent can be an attractive trait to me. I have no idea why. Actually my dad's from the U.P. so let's just stop thinking about why in case it leads us to answers we don't like.

Friday Night Lights, "Leave No One Behind." The sight of Smash all alone in the locker room sobbing just wrecked me.

That is incredible! Thank you for sharing it. What a sad story.

It's abandoned?! We used to go there every year :(

I was once riding a Gravitron ride at a local carnival with my friend, and this song came on. Everyone in the ride appeared to be singing it, including children, senior citizens, us, the ride operator, etc. Apparently it really brings people together.

Minka Kelly?


Wow, there are a Crap Bag of puns in this thread.

I swear until this very moment I thought the lyric was "rises like a lepress." I never questioned why the song would use this bizarre feminine form of the word "leopard" that I had not heard elsewhere.

This may be terrible advice (especially considering that if you try it, it may not work and may just contribute to the feeling that you're somehow "hopeless," which I know all too well; I will also say that this drug is notoriously hard to come off of so do your research) but have you tried something like Effexor? I