
Corporations absolutely love taking advantage of any perceived problem to raise their prices.  Like, a couple years ago, during the ‘inflation’ crisis, pure corporate greed, corporations just raising prices because they thought they could get away with it, accounted for the majority of the inflation we saw. 

Theo Moudakis is a Toronto-based editorial cartoonist and freelance contributor for the Toronto Star newspaper.

Good. That means a lot of those rednecks driving around in jacked up F-850's will have to shove more money into their tanks. Good. I make a decent enough income but a lot of these fuckers will be screwed by this and other things that orange shithead wants.

Also, they can raise them and point to tariffs as the cause, even if it’s a flat-out lie, because consumers are largely incapable/too lazy to know for sure. And materials subjected to 25% tariffs will nonetheless rise in price by > 30%, because again, consumers largely suck at math and dont care enough to crunch the

2nd: At some point automakers are gonna have to start thinking about reducing the complexity of their cars and actually giving a damn about making them easier to repair.  It’s unsustainable both economically and environmentally to make cars increasingly more expensive and difficult to repair every year.

- Donald Trump on what the helicopter should have done.

Too bad it wasn’t AF1. Would have solved a lot of problems.

I engage with ATC personnel dozens of times a year. While I don’t fly myself anymore, I ride right seat in a GA aircraft probably 100 hours/year, nearly always IFR, which means a lot of communication. On the ground, I design airport projects which interface with ATC rules, and often often have controllers as part of

Naming an airport after the guy that fired 11,000 air traffic controllers is peak republican.

I don’t know if this crash will get politicized, but my big fear is that the Trump folks will use the news coverage of this tragedy as cover to do all kinds of evil shit behind the scenes and hope that the media don’t have the bandwidth to expose it. For example, don’t miss out on their just announced plans to

It’s gonna get worse before it gets worse

I knew he was a total POS ages ago, even before the Model 3 debute. All you needed to do is read his history with other businesses like Paypal and how he forced Tesla to call him a founder of the company.

A) I do not believe a single instance of his experiences, much less in a single day.

I have been leasing a Tesla for the last 2 years. Unless he is being asked to step down, there is no way I buy another tesla when my lease is up for renewal

When the CEO of the company is throwing out Nazi salutes it should cost the company dearly. Why anyone (other than Nazis and their sympathizers) would buy a Tesla now is beyond me.

1st Gear:

Totes. Buy only what you require to maintain your health and property. Give nothing to this excretion’s economy. Food, mortgage, utilities. Donate to their enemies.

The end of America was allegedly voted on and passed with flying colors. It’s a suicide.

That’s the GOP looking out for the average Joe again... and by looking out for them they mean looking to steal as much from their wallets as possible.

In any other major automobile manufacturer Elon would have been immediately fired for all the customer alienation stuff he’s pulled.