
I like this answer.

Seems like the predictable and obvious answer, but that’s for a good reason. I.e., I agree.

We’re fuuuucked.

That’s a pretty fucking stupid and simplistic take.

I don’t know if Chrystabell’s constant posturing in The Return was intentional or not, but it sure as hell was distracting in a bad way.

Agreed. My dad had one of these woke Antifa vehicles as a project car when I was a kid.

Nice to see you’re still around.

“While you might be thinking no American would be dumb enough to attempt something like this”

I haven’t seen Rob Zombie’s Munsters movie, and I won’t, but it seems like everything he does can’t elevate beyond this kind of music video aesthetic that seems to be a loose excuse to film his friends and wife.

Also fully onboard with this.

Every morning, I thought ‘I just want to drive to Galway Bay and sit on the beach and look at the ocean.’

At first glance, I thought this was a Stephen King anthology based on Nightmares and Dreamscapes. Turns out there already was an anthology based on said book back in 2006

So just a $50 fine and...

Maybe it was trying to get some damn sleep when it was struck.

Has he been on Russell Brand’s podcast yet?

Sounds like all those ice baths and the steady diet of Soylent shakes are making this guy extra sharp.

Similar results here too with DVDs and CDs.

Is that you, Ned Ryerson?

When I was a naive teenager on one of my first solo road trips, this 30-something dude approached me while I was gassing up my car and asked for a ride to somewhere a few blocks away because something about this grandmother and being in a wheelchair. I reluctantly said ok. Apparently that grandmother and her