
How bad a clown do you have to be that you can’t get into an American clown school, where guns are warmly welcomed, if not actually issued at registration?

Because this is a car site I have to point out that it’s true all the wildlife in Australia is trying to kill you including the kangaroos. Which is why all their SUVs, trucks and utes have “roo bars.” Canadians and Australians are appalled by our gun culture, especially when they visit and I tell them I have one

Americans love clowns? Clowns have been a staple of horror movies for decades. We had that whole online clown thing not long ago because of people’s fear of clowns. Maybe some children still like them, but we’ve been conditioned for decades to fear clowns.

I gotta go with Subaru, mainly because of their endearing dog commercials. Ironically the ads are memorable and the kinds of things that people share/talk about, but the Subaru brand itself still feels too far out of the mainstream for so many possible consumers to actually buy. I think a lot of the population thinks what is it....strong smell of EtOH and red eyes consistent with booze, or zero booze detected in blood?  No one asking WTF on this?

President Elect-Rapist Trump just named Vanga head of the National Transportation Safety Board

It’s also worth noting that Stanford reviewed the situation and basically said, “it’s fine”. Guess his tuition checks were still clearing.

This chud looks like Chet at the end of weird science.

I don’t know how I feel about the lights wrapping around to the quarter panel and the amount of them (so you can blind people at all angles but these are probably drls), and the Rear pillars need to be Black, but overall looks good, upscale.

Not bad.

then address that fact in your article.  (notes from a reader)

Did someone blackmail Hyundai to force them to make car designs that fights Multipla’s & Aztek’s for the “Ugly AF” crown?

That’s what I was thinking. All it needs is a set of chrome door “vents” to fully complete the Pep Boys look.

“The trio then attempted to hike their way back to civilization, but only one of the party made it to his destination. One of the men climbed up to the road and hitchhiked back home. After not being able to contact the other two men the following day, he finally reported the crash to police.”

Doubling down on the Land Rover styling cues in the Santa Fe and I’m not mad about it. Bring this design language to the Santa Cruz!

What? No picture of the bench seat? Isn’t that what the entire article talked about? WTF!

Wow, this looks great inside and out but they really need to black out all bright chrome trim that wraps around the car, namely the rear pillar accent that wraps around the front windscreen and roof rails and the side skirts and lower front/rear spoilers should be body-colored. I don’t mind some modest use of chrome

That center console is gorgeous.

It’s utterly breathtaking how the GOP and all its supporters are content to look the other way on criminal behavior, campaign finance violations, access to voting, nepotism, outright graft and corruption, conflicts of interest, lack of morals, anti-democratic ideals, etc.