
Happy to still be around.

I came for Newsradio references and I was rewarded richly...

I’ve always been bothered by the term influencer but now I see that it’s accurate. I think the problem was adding ‘social media’ as a prefix instead of 'legislative'.

Oh you mean the guy that almost killed a motorcyclist with his lambo? Hold on let me feel sorry for this guy. Youtubers/influencers need to go away. Stop supporting these clowns

This will probably sound like blaming the victim, but I honestly never would have heard of her if she hadn’t been waving her arms saying, “Don’t look at me!”

“This is a true story.” is even more definitive than “Based on a True Story.” First of all...NO work ever needs that. Second of of the only thing I really don’t like that the Coen Bros ever did (other than The Ladykillers) was to put that in the beginning of Fargo. It is pretty very doubtful that person

Well, if she does as well under cross-examination as she did in that Morgan interview, she should start opening those extra bank accounts now.

To be fair, the Cylons had a plan - kill everyone.

I always thought it was meaningful in the respect of merging onto a freeway from a dead stop. You may want to know how quickly you can do so in a Geo Metro (answer...eventually) vs. a Mustang (NOW...unless you bounce off a wall first). But I don’t think it is the be-all, end-all of a car.

BS - If I pushed a officer like that, I would be in jail.

Ehhh, I think there should really be four.

Came here for West Wing.

It certainly isn’t everything, but to say that the simple visceral experience of that kind of acceleration, even if you’re just the passenger, isn’t fun? Naw, that’s fun.

I don’t think that Mrs. Maisel oner is anywhere close to 3 minutes, there are some distinct cuts throughout. The initial raid is a longish take, maybe 45 seconds.

Now playing

I’d give you grief for not including the epic finale in Quarry, but I feel I am the only person who watched that show.

Anyone who complains about “our justice system is being weaponized” is just lying. Trump, Giuliani, Pecker, Cohen, all literally admitted to the entire scheme. The evidence of the actual crimes were notes that were taken during meetings planning out the crime. Everyone was up-front about them committing this crime.

Yes. Go on about this magical ‘inflation’ thing that only ever seems to be a problem when right-wing assclowns aren’t in power. Just like how the ‘deficit’ is only ever a problem under the same conditions. Even though both of them consistently get worse when they *are* in power.

My apologies to the planet, as this problem with stupid people accelerated in 2016 in the US, and has apparently spread to the rest of the world, like a virus.  

Queen Elizabeth worked as a heavy vehicle mechanic during WWII. She signed up at 18 as soon as she was able despite the King’s wishes. She was a hard workers and wanted to do her part in real work to help the war.

The UK is a pretty laughable country at this point, but even they have the decency not to indulge these narcissistic lunatics (unlike the US, which grants them endless license).