I will also give you $5k for Robin 1.
I will also give you $5k for Robin 1.
I need him to get into MY ballpark. I can do $5k. Take it or leave it.
Styling is kind of outrageous. I also kind of like it.
Just to add my individual perspective on this -- more comments with higher quality engagement means I’m more likely to click on a given post and one of these sites in general. The sites that removed commenting completely stopped getting my clicks completely. If the reason a certain site (e.g. The Root) removed…
Amazon’s official theme song for this?
The Lew Archer novels are my go to audiobooks, partly because of the excellent writing from Macdonald, but they also have the perfect narrators (there’s two, and they sound almost identical), which is important, as I’m ultra picky about that. Unfortunately, I’m about to run out of Archer books I haven’t read/listened…
I have a slightly different take. I don’t think it’s ugly, I just don’t think it distinguishes itself enough, which I think is actually worse. As an example, the overall styling, at least in my mind, seems too similar to the 86 and BRZ. I think they would have had a winner if they went with updated retro styling that…
Total record scratch moment when I read that. I’m clocking in just over 40 hours and still in Act 1, and not even the completionist player type either. Saying it’s a 50 hour game suggests they don’t know what the hell they’re talking about.
2nd gen...
A quick Google search tells me that 1981 was when VINs were standardized, not when they first existed; they were introduced in the US starting in 1954.
Kit car vibe and styling as if a caricature from the illustrators at Mad Magazine.
Huh. Doug Demuro said he’s 6'4 and was comfortable in it.
“One of the worst things to drive OR ride in I have ever experienced.”
They should bring back bagel breakfast sandwich in these restaurants.
What the media would have you imagine:
Stupid test audiences.
I don’t remember anything about it either, so if this is supposed to be a nostalgia pull, it’s a fail.