“One of the worst things to drive OR ride in I have ever experienced.”
“One of the worst things to drive OR ride in I have ever experienced.”
Stupid test audiences.
I don’t remember anything about it either, so if this is supposed to be a nostalgia pull, it’s a fail.
I had a ‘79 Rabbit, which I pushed more than I drove, so that’s saying a lot.
Agree. Fallout fans especially should check it out.
Love and Monsters is excellent.
I think the criticism you’re getting for your take is unjustified. If this person was blackout drunk, they were not in control, and you are quite correct — they were simply lucky they didn’t end up driving involuntarily during those times. It’s great they are working on sobriety now, but they seem to be in denial…
The “flame grilled flatbread” looks like a slab of rubbery chicken.
I still remember Dana’s appearance on Letterman way back (1992!) where he talked about Dex. Letterman seemed puzzled about the name Dex, so Dana spelled it out.
They probably TikTok’d it.
You might classify them as a “bad samaritan.”
Agree about the front looking like a rear. The thing is just fucking ugly all around.
It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve seen an interesting commercial. Or any commercial that isn’t Liberty Mutual just delaying my YouTube video, for that matter.
If the horse’s name is B.A. Baracus, you gotta slip the tranq in his milk before flying.
Paterson is soooo good.
I consider Dredge to be a perfect game. I hope they win.