If the lake in question is manmade, I’m wondering if the cars were already there before the area was flooded.
If the lake in question is manmade, I’m wondering if the cars were already there before the area was flooded.
Same here.
Is anyone ever impressed by anything from Taco Bello though?
Strange, because most fans, including myself, thing the first season is the best one, where everything after went downhill. So maybe the second and thirds seasons would be more to your taste?
“ I’d like to see a show set in the Witcher universe that works like a monster-of-the-week procedural instead of an ongoing political epic serial with world-changing consequences”
That’s where they lost me as well. Is the show called The Witcher or The Ciri? Because at this point seems like the latter is the more appropriate title. It’s like they abandoned all the fun aspects from the first season to focus on Serious and Important themes with a bunch of the political shit that just makes the…
What a fucking douchebag. And looking at his skinny body with a bloated face, I’m wondering what kind of substance abuse he’s got going on.
And it’s just weird that there’s a type of person out there that’s competent enough to set up such an operation from purely a business standpoint, but also somehow thinks the scam is a good idea.
On a old VW mystery mileage is a feature, not a bug (hehe).
“How can you have multiple professionals all under oath give you factual statements and medical histories, and a Judge can just dismiss it?”
Yeah, the police union will probably get him hired back somewhere.
Love it/do want.
You were clear. This guy’s response is.... inexplicable.
Is that you, Lol...
Looks like that one is from Wild Mood Swings. I have seen the Cure in concert three times (only rivaled by seeing Soundgarden three times), but my attention to and knowledge of the band’s output dropped off steeply post-Disintegration (first concert was for that tour). Although, pretty sure that third time was for the…
A couple of less-recognized tracks, that if included on the list, would have been very acceptable to me would be:
And rehab is pretty dang expensive...
If ever a comment deserved the “ok, boomer” response....