
That reminds me, I was thinking of maybe getting some Wendy’s today.

Swerving with full tongue. Obviously.

Can’t help but hear that response in my head as the Robocop voice.

I also worked in “field research” for a variety of alcohol manufacturers.


Did they bring back the orange Hi-C yet? Because that’s all I want when I order their breakfast, and not orange juice, and definitely NOT fucking soda.

Yeah, it looks like the type of mansion you’d see in New Jersey built by some basketball player.

One tip is to never tell the cop you plan to contest the ticket in court -- they might then make it a point to actually show up. So just keep that plan to yourself.

Holy shit, what drugs is this ToriPhantom on.

By their logic, all of the MAGA crowd is mentally ill.

Ron DeSantis is extending an invitation to dinner as we speak.

According to the latest TikTok trend,”

The best tip: Overcook your frozen pizza. Get it close to “uh oh is it about to burn?” territory, then pull it out. Being a bit undercooked, or even cooked to the pizza’s instructions, tends to emphasize a frozen pizza’s inherent underwhelmingness.

Yeah, there are so many pastiches and homages to Lovecraft, his stories have pretty much been rewritten many times over already with modern perspectives.

Yeah, I don’t get this. Like another commenter suggested, this seems more like an advertisement.

Great concept, but unwatchable between scenes and sub-plots that were either cliche, pandering, or just plain boring.

It’s gonna be awesome at Cars & Coffee in 2043.

We just need to be told we’re “doing it wrong” yet again, even if this particular article doesn’t use those exact words this time.

Now playing

New Enya fans need to also be exposed to Elizabeth Fraser.