
There were also two consecutive episodes in the second or third season where he was gone, and some random Starfleet douche who vaguely looked like him was suddenly there. As a kid, I straight flipped the fuck out thinking I'd never see the Chief again.

Are we speaking Greek?!

Agreed. I had absolutely NO interest in Hell on Wheels (A bunch of no-namers and Common? Come on.) until I heard Meaney was in it.

"I was PROMISED flying cars. But there aren't any. Why. WHY? Why?"

He was also in deep in Deep Space Nine.

Any episode where the Chief says, "Moidered?!"

There's a reference to it in DS9, where O'Brien mentions the mountains of Ireland, and Bashir says, "Hills. Ireland has hills."

I think the Blue Meaney would've been a contender if he had went to rehab.

I thought if there was any bad acting, it was on Keiko's end. Miles always seemed like that guy who bagged a disproportionately hot chick, and was then constantly frustrated by having to suck up to her, because he KNEW she could have someone better in a heartbeat.

Hey, what are you doing with that drawing of a space station, boy?

We can get there… using our imaginations!

I don't want to live on this planet anymore. I want to live on Cybertron, where there's even MORE explosions.

Flawed statistical representation featuring a selection bias? Aw HELL naw!

Say what you will about Mel Gibson, but the son of a bitch knows story structure.

Are you insinuating that Rick Perry is a Decepticon?

I'm Oscar. Dot Com.

I remember House of Buggin'! Worst thing ever, I had a white friend growing up who went through a phase where he tried acting hispanic. He would always refer to House of Buggin' as "The House, dawg" (as in, "Yo, dawg, you catch The House last night?"). Made me want to watch it less and less, but I do remember it being

This is what happens when you let the internet make a movie. Didn't we learn anything from Snakes on a Plane?

I'd still hit it.

Plus it has The Big Lebowski as the train conductor!