At least five, and eight of the "ham" flavor.
At least five, and eight of the "ham" flavor.
Don't worry, the whole sequence was a meth-fueled hallucination. The actual Rage will end up being a cartoonish racing game, a la Mario Kart.
It would leave Walt as the Boss of all Bosses. Don't worry, he'll figure out some way to fuck it up.
"Lowered Expectations". One of the funniest MadTV skits, ever. Yeah, I know there wasn't many to choose from, shut up.
Holy shit, GLut.! Thought you were dead!
Then you're on the wrong site. No one enjoys anything here unless they're doing it ironically.
That thing is like rolling probable cause.
That is indeed what most women talk about on theirs.
All-Star Batman and Robin, AKA the one liberals get all butt-hurt about, because it has Batman acting like a Republican all of a sudden. You know, Batman, that guy who has been beating the shit out of poor, disenfranchised criminals for 50+ years with no regard for their civil liberties.
Yeah, I recently removed Showtime from my package, and I now have 20 more bucks per month to buy porn with.
If there isn't enough breasts, maybe we can get George Lucas to digitally put some in.
Where's "Y: The Last Man"?
Is is going to feature some white guys when Brown v. Board of Education is passed, saying "I have a bad feeling about this"?
Next stop: dangling an ewok over a balcony.
What's with all they old-timey avatars up in this piece? Is it "dress like a historical figure day"?
You got music in my television!
You got television in my music!
Man, I'm good.
Like this?
Whoa, how do you get italics? Also, STVI rules.