Constantine was THE SHIT. There's really not enough love for it around these parts.
Constantine was THE SHIT. There's really not enough love for it around these parts.
It's a band? I thought that, in these tough economic times, AVC had resorted to accepting advertising money from porn sites.
One of the funniest parts of Not Another Teen Movie. Seriously, that flick is criminally underrated. Also, there's lots of awesome nudity.
Natalie Portman was hotter in Episode ONE
You know, the FIRST movie.
While we're using the Jump To Conclusions mat, I'll go ahead and say that the guy has never done a day of manual labor in his life (unless you count organizing dusty old LPs at a tragically hip, not-so-tragically going out of business record store as "manual labor". And I don't.) So I don't respect him, and he can die…
Sabrina Lazarus, writer, columnist, inventor of the Lazarus Device.
The FCC is an appointed position, not elected. And actually, you can go into lobbying immediately. My state's former congressman and gigantic tool J.D. Hayworth did exactly that, then tried to come back and run for senate, and got his ass handed to him.
It's the Krusty Komedy Klassic!
Other guys was severely underrated, but I disagree with The Office. D'Angelo had a few funny moments, but Ferrel spent most of his screen-time trying to out-awkward Michael Scott.
I've got Klingon blood, bro.
@Charles: I like Moonlight on several levels, and seeing a Starfleet Captain do some shit that would make the 1980's CIA seem amateur was only part of it. What really seals the episode for me is Sisko's final speech, where he basically acknowledges what an asshole he is, but at the same time realizes he's okay with…
Ah, you're right! I stand (nerd)corrected.
I actually kinda liked him in Time's Arrow… we was a delightful old codger. Sure, he chewed scenery so much it made Drunken Jonathan Frakes jealous, but you have to admit, he at least had personality, which is more than I can say for 90% of Trek's guest stars.
Dey terk ar BAT'LETHS!!!
"There are FOUR lights!"
I'd also agree with Kamin designing the program on his own, but he'd have to have some government assistance at some point. Rockets are expensive.
@Walter: I can't agree enough… I have a friend who's a rabid TNG fan but has only seen a handful of DS9 episodes and totally dismissed the series. Yet he hounds me for having never watched BSG, which from what I've read about it, is more influenced by DS9 than anything else.
Yeah, that always bugged me a bit too… you'd think he'd at least temporarily have to relieve himself of command for a week or two to deal with the massive psychological effects of the probe.
I disagree. DS9's In The Pale Moonlight. 'Nuff said.
DS9's Far Beyond The Stars is similarly awesome. I liked that the cops who beat the shit out of Sisko are Damar and Weyoun in human form.