
The extremely Protestant attitude among the casual white supremacist is that non-white people don’t pay taxes, aren’t productive members of society, and thus of course they commit crimes to support themselves, so they deserve to be hassled by the cops, whereas white people are productive and pay taxes and have no

Two criticisms of the article: 1) Wanda does clearly love White Vision, she responded lovingly to him upon first seeing him. 2) Vision uses the Mind Stone to uninstall the Cataract program within White Vision, which was installed by SWORD to lock Vision’s memories away from White Vision, so as to use him as their own

The more shockingly unfit for office the Republican, the more shameful it is for the DNC to lose an election to them. Turns out his district was one of the most highly competitive in the nation until a Republican gerrymandering redrew the lines. That’s not libel, that’s a court verdict. The map was ordered revised,

It used to be that anthro students and even professors considered it an unsolved mystery as to what really happened on Easter Island. They reasoned that no one would continue to chop down trees as it became obvious they were running out of trees. As I gaze at these non-electric, non-fuel cell vehicles the US

Incumbent telecoms are offering $600-for-the-first-month fiber internet. Comparable price and speed to StarLink, but telecom fiber is only available in cities.

The courts have ruled cops have no duty to protect.

Says who? Brown fascists who love murdering women and gays and think you’re imperialisting them for asking them to stop?

Sounds like upper management are morons and if anyone other than upper management dares to think for themselves they get fired. It must be fucking exhausting for those who need accommodation. I don’t understand why these airlines don’t get the basic training in how not to be ableist that is required of fucking bus

A Mitsubishi Eclipse just so the cops think they can outrun this entry-level bullshit only to find this idiot got a custom shop to put $30,000 into the engine and now gets 500 hp per piston. Can outrun the police helicopter in that thing once you get on the highway. Disappear into one of the infinite wildfires of

Star Wars is popular. Anything popular is overwhelmed by fans of average intelligence and below. So when you talk about the non-controversial idea of Han shooting first, which is obvious to anyone with any sense, you get inundated by morons tripping over their knuckles and drool doing what they imagine to be “arguing.

Don’t assume these skeptics are correct. There’s 40 years worth of evidence for life in Venus clouds and they’re skeptical of only the very latest example.

Lawyers don’t care whether or not a suit has merit, they care only that people sue. The more conflict, and the more intractable the conflict, the more they profit. Sounds like they’re taking advantage of a grieving family to bilk them out of their inheritance.

“It’s sad that the world is ending, but us liberals sure aren’t responsible for it” is how and why their capitalist world will end.

It used to be the lower the security status of a system, the more risk and the more reward. Now that fundamental economic game mechanic is gone. People can’t live in deep null anymore; they would have logistics tails stretching half the length of the galaxy in a game already full of people camping the jump gates for

It’s been known for a century that rich black people are worse than rich white people, and yet the capitalist “solution” to black issues has always been more black landlords, more black sweatshop owners. The problem here is obviously not race, it is capital.

The books and movies are named after Sauron directly, but indirectly, they also refer to all the other characters who are either tempted by the Ring to become the new Ringlord or who are consciously trying to become the new Ringlord. Something missing from the movies is that while the Ring tempts everyone there are in


Nothing motivates a person to do horrible things like thinking they’re saving the fucking world. Look at the 20th century socialists. Now look at Elon getting Trump to coup Bolivia for fucking lithium because he can’t be arsed to use hydrogen fuel cells.

Star Trek demonstrates the tortured psyche of the white liberal it appeals to: They “identify” as progressive despite being personally responsible for holding back actual progress because really they are profoundly conservative but are trying to be nice about it. That’s deeply uncool, like Trek fans. An international

Even then, earlier in its life, the moon looked very different. First there was no moon at all. Then there were two. Then there was one, but it was huge, only 20,000 km away, and a glowing red lava ocean. Then it was a smooth gray marble. Then it gradually floated further away and gradually got more cratered with the