
members-only Facebook groups that are based on racism, hate and ...

I mean I have a tendency to fix people’s computer problems.

Yet another article about California bogies in the OC who are inept and abusive, can’t build anything, have no grip on reality.

I find it amazing that these huge and far flung supply chains exist and expend a massive amount of resources moving materials tens of thousands of miles employing a small army of transportation professionals just to avoid American labor unions.

oh no how dare someone delight at bogies being told to stfu he’s being nEgAtIvE

yeah if you spend an extra like 2 dollars on a purchase you only make every 6 months and use every day it’s a really great deal and people who don’t understand this aren’t saving money so much as have a counting-related OCD like the Sesame Street vampire muppet

The sooner you dirty fucking liberals realize a “progressive” is a fascist who likes the color blue the sooner we can organize a good old fashioned communist uprising.

hey the sooner you dirty fucking liberals get on board with commies shuttering the NYT and putting their staff in a reeducation camp the better

EM is an entrepreneur, and thus is interested in a 5 year ROI. Hydrogen fuel cells weren’t there yet when Tesla was founded. You needed two breakthroughs that we now have: A non-platinum catalyst (for the fuel cell) and basically zero cost excess grid production from renewables (for electrolysis). It’s the same reason

There’s not enough lithium in this planet’s crust. Now hydrogen fuel-cells are economical, and hydrogen from excess peak power is basically free, that’s the route electrical aircraft will take. It means the major costs of aircraft operation (engine overhauls and fuel) are eliminated. Currently hydrogen EVs easily

Not just the truck. The truck’s driver was in the lane trying to wave him down. The autopilot almost hit a human being standing directly in front of it on the highway in full daylight with basically no traffic. And then yeah it didn’t even see the barn-sized truck lying overturned on the road. Did not register either

“Please vote, the system is rigged” says the liberal. According to your own logic, voting changes nothing. Even when they win rigged elections Democrats are too spineless to repeal Republican gerrymandering. If this was literally any video game ever you would be assassinating and bombing the imperials as part of the ar

The US got some Phantom Menace shit going on. Elected government is a PR front for the real government: the rich, the security services, and the arms industry. If the American people actually figure this out - as is indicated by the attack on this statue of a police commissioner - then they finally know who the enemy

American juries refuse to put cops and nazis in jail. He and his crew will go free. But they will do so several years from now, after the legal system has run its course and the riots are a fading memory. When they go free there will be a protest but it will have like 50 people, they will be outnumbered by the police

Trans people aren’t the murderers killing trans people. Trans people aren’t the parents throwing trans people out of the house to be homeless. Trans people aren’t the cops arresting trans people for no reason. Trans people aren’t the wardens throwing trans men into women’s jails and trans women into men’s jails. Trans

Francois, oil the guillotine.

All of us have had some well-meaning yet extremely stupid hippie friend do a lot of drugs and say similar bizzare shit.

Like most things with Trump/Bush/Reagan/Nixon, it’s a big power grab by someone smarter than him in his administration. “Antifa” isn’t an organization or a group, which means that anyone Trump or his goons don’t like can be labelled Antifa. The word can be used with the same looseness and the same lethal consequences

How long have you and your alien armada been on this planet that you haven’t seen male solidarity before?

So I qualify, but I wouldn’t want to go without my family, who do not qualify. My humans don’t have advanced degrees, and neither does my cat. That’s the thing about colonization: Eventually you’re going to have to build a settlement for people and creatures who are not professional astronauts. Non-astronaut wives and