On the one hand I’m glad you approve, but on the other, you give a shit whether paid shills get hurt, and that’s just gross liberalism.
On the one hand I’m glad you approve, but on the other, you give a shit whether paid shills get hurt, and that’s just gross liberalism.
sounds like you really really want to approve of this vandalism but really really want to hate on Bernie and can’t decide whether you want to side with a blue fascist, you capitalist dog
Get a CDL-A. I’m not even kidding. Once you learn to back up into a spot with a fifth wheel attached to a 53' van this civilian bullshit is trivial.
There is already a business model, the “friendly local gaming store,” that sells tabletop games and accoutrements, has space for tabletop games, and hosts tournaments for card games. If Gamestop decided to become a FLGS, it would immediately make them the biggest FLGS chain in the country. If they decided to integrate…
Now I’m a little worried about driving a Tesla Mars rover. If they can’t build a car to operate on the planet they are most familiar with how are they going to deal with alien weather? “We didn’t realize you needed to run the heater 24/7.” “We didn’t realize it would get sandblasted with dust storms 24/7.” “We didn’t…
It’s funny how many times it had to be towed because some idiot tried to drive on fumes. “The computer said I had 40 miles left! What gives?” Turns out this is the same problem with semi auto driving. The computer is giving its best guess, it’s up to the meat in the seat to make a good call.
It’s amazing how bourgeois the environmental movement is. They don’t care about the workers, they care about carbon emissions. There’s just something aggressively anti-worker about adamant refusal to talk about them, like an heiress who acts like the help doesn’t exist, or a racist who acts like racism doesn’t exist.
Capitalist dogs like to mock the working class. Which is why, when it is our turn, we will not apologize for the terror.
yeah it’s fucking repulsive, I have no idea what happened to cause the complete breakdown in the chain of command that resulted in this being posted, it’s like a porno so zoomed in it’s become safe for work
He’s also a short, awkward nebbish with an assface and annoying voice that only speaks lies. He’s so repulsive and off-putting I have no idea why anyone has ever voted for him. I get the impression the only reason to vote for him is you’re 1) a capitalist pig, 2) want to seem less racist than if you were to vote for…
Decoy battleships are a thing but usually it involves other people. Your corp knows there’s a small gang in the area, so you send a small gang after them. Your small gang has 1 dude in a battleship, maybe hull tanked so he appears to die quick at first, and the rest of your dudes are in covert ops ships with cloaking…
I wonder if “all T1 frigates” includes pirate factions. Get in a Dramiel and gtfo.
Assault frigates are pretty cool and all but I don’t see why you would sacrifice a $120 million battleship hull to be like “surprise bitch!” Pretty sure if a dude can kill a battleship he can kill an assault frigate.
He’s such a good landlord though. Doesn’t rent, only mortgage, pay when you want, zero interest, all profit to the orphanage where he grew up, pays his employees well. I mean I’m the communist here and I’m plugging for this landlord. He’s one I would spare. He only got into rural real estate because he couldn’t make…
Bernie owes her the VP spot if for no other reason than her torpedo of Bloomberg, Biden, and Butt campaigns.
Doesn’t the blame rest equally on both sides?
Ban ads. Retrain marketing executives as literally anything else, something that will do some good for humanity. For instance armed park rangers protecting endangered species.
Say what you will about Blue Trump, at least he doesn’t have dementia. Any halfway competent organization would disqualify Biden for medical reasons. If all else fails with Bernie you can replace his heart. You can’t replace Biden’s brain.
Nationalize YouTube and imprison its entire management team.
It’s amazing how the Republicans have so fully infiltrated the Democratic party that in 2020 almost the entire field is a Republican and the one dude who wants to roll back the party platform to where it was in 1980 is called a “socialist.” We got: