
Part of it is the secrecy surrounding the scripts. If you never let anyone see the script, no one can say “this script is lousy.” There were probably like 3 guys in the entire corporation who ever saw the damn script, and they each only thought it was a good idea because the other 2 seemed to think so.

The “appropriation” whiners are losers. This is a losing issue. It has no clarity, only a bunch of catchphrases and slogans popular among the handwringing elite and brown people who want to become exploiters. Capitalist dogs trying to make capitalism “fair” need to be reeducated and capitalism needs to be dismantled.

To be fair to Disney they’ve set the price point low to reflect the lack of value in comparison to Netflix. You pay $7/month to let the TV babysit your kids. I don’t have kids, because fuck that, but I know people who have kids, and they’re willing to pay way more than $7/month for a little peace from the horrid

60's activists weren’t boomers. The oldest boomer was 15 in 1960 (the youngest was 6) and 25 in 1970 (the youngest was 16). Dr. King and Bernie are all from the Silent Generation, and Malcolm X is a few years before even that. It’s an important part of the propaganda that boomers propagate about themselves that they

I mean the hull bonuses say “combat.” But who the hell would fly that thing into combat anywhere? It’s living history. Can you imagine if some dude took the USS Constitution to invade Iran? That is also a frigate.

found the Taylor

we were unable to validate... regret we could not meet his needs... Assistant Manager Mack is, herself, African American...

Once you contract the Republican mind-virus, everything Republicans do to you gets processed as something done by a black gay liberal trans woman Democrat abortionist. Like how in 1984 the Party had such mental command over its citizens they could just say they could levitate and people would not only believe it they

I don’t trust the FDA to do its fucking job. Every American institution is corrupt, incompetent, inefficient, and in collapse. But then America has only been around for 244 years. What is that compared to 3000 years of history? I am not interested in keeping kosher, but I am interested in not eating poison.

I’d love to see ~ d a t a ~ on how these programs are actually performing, especially in comparison to similar programs in other cities throughout the US, and the original Black Panthers food distribution program. Some people accept the charity-industrial complex non-critically and just assume everyone involved is a

Yeah at first I thought I misread the question. “They can’t possibly be asking if it’s alright to rob someone of silverware... And they can’t possibly be asking if it’s alright to swipe a fork from an unoccupied table... what the hell?” This article is gonna get a lot of hate clicks.

I’m not sure what the complaint is here. “Star Wars fans want more Star Wars! How dare they!” Is that it? Or is it Fans don’t want the new show to get fucked up by the corporate machine that fucked up other Star Wars films and fucked up remakes of their own corporate IPs like Beauty and the Beast and openly panders

Solo is coherent. There’s a minor plot hole here and there, that’s it. It’s an actual movie that stands up on its own merit. I’d have added a few minor scenes here and there and made the Maul cameo less obvious. The sequels started as nostalgia so obvious they’re almost a shot-for-shot remake except with plot holes

I mean I figured Homer’s daily driver was a Yugo. When he demands it be repaired with “quality GM parts” the mechanic tells him it’s made of old T-72 tank parts.

Yeah uh here’s the thing liberals “I feel uncomfortable” is not the same as “objectively wrong, racist, offensive.” I mean you people don’t believe in objective reality anyway but usually that’s just an excuse for you to say “my discomfort with ideas that are new to me means I get to destroy you.”

What the fuck? How is destroying a book a thing that is bandied about as a “legitimate point” and “valid life choice”?

The Democratic Party does not exist to win votes. It exists to suppress socialism. Even the hipster liberal Keynesian “play nice. endorse the nominee” Social Democracy of Sanders and AOC that “identifies” as Democratic Socialism.

There should be evidence of the crude pottery made in this fashion.

came here to make sure someone posted that