
We share edgy jokes and bask in dark humor, but hardly anyone here is wanting to shoot up anything, commit any violence, or break any laws.

“Hmm... do I need to do some work on myself? Nah, it must be that western civilization is collapsing.

“men are now sick and tired of the trajectory of where society is heading”

silence men and prevent them from reclaiming their masculinity which has been long lost or forcibly stripped away from them

I just can’t imagine putting this much time and effort into being a shitty human being. I guess it goes with the narcissism necessary to think “I can’t be in the wrong, it’s literally the entire rest of society that’s wrong.”

“They seek to deplatform this site and everything that it stands for.”

The Last Jedi remains the best Star Wars movie since the original trilogy. It was unpredictable, it developed characters, it was cohesive and not full of fan service... and it’s a shame the internet screaming ruined episode 9. 

No, it isn’t, get the fuck outta here, you incel.

Yep. People are being really dumb about this. 

You do realize that editing anthologies is a different skillset from writing novels, right? GRRM was editing anthologies long before he wrote Game of Thrones and obviously wanted to continue doing so even after he became rich and famous.


As usual, George was joking and as usual everybody took it as some kind of bizarre rant or declaration from on high.

Oh, wow. I didn’t get this. That makes sense. I also thought it was a kite form.

Is it bad to say that by the end I was rooting for the creature? I was feeling a little sad for it. Probably, like most wild creatures, its habitat was slowly being encroached upon.

I overall really liked the movie, but a lot of the references hurt it. No one needed to say “if it bleeds we can kill it.”

This quote from the article really sums up the problem with how the effects in Marvel movies are viewed:

In terms of pop culture, music, etc. - I find the 2000s to have been pretty generic and non-descript, especially in comparison to the 90s and 80s. But you’re correct that the 2000s were memorable for major world/political events like 9/11, the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, Katrina, Obama, the Great Recession and

Counterpoint, this movie was wild and fun because Sam brought Evil Dead energy to what could have been a more generic slog.

That’s a hot take.  I expect to disagree heartily, but will have to wait until I see the movie. 

They barely look rugged enough for hanging out in 10-Forward.

2033? By that time, an astronaut will pick it up, put in his pocket and blast off to Earth.