
Or The Magnificent Seven. Or Seven Samurai.

That Snyder flick was a lot of fun when it was originally done by Corman as Battle Beyond the Stars.
Hopefully Zack keeps the boob-ship...

Can I hope that it will be a revival of the planned, but not filmed, “Snow White and the 7 Kung Fu Monks?” Originally starring Natalie Portman, too, back in 2005.

The Earth of 2024 was in incredibly dire straits in the Star Trek timeline. Many countries faced violent conflict and civil unrest, but America in particular took a turn towards a totalitarian decline in the period, wracked with severe economic crises, homelessness, and rapidly rising unemployment levels. 

I’m probably in the minority here, but ‘Oh well’. The promise of delivering Internet globally, as a basic human right, outweighs taking pictures of the sky from Earth. Not saying Musk is going to be the guy to get that part done, but Sat constellations for Internet delivery are likely here to stay, and thats a good

It’s one of those payoffs that everyone should know is coming -- the commercials of MJ falling out of reach of MCU!Peter pretty much telegraphs the redemption spot for Amazing!Peter -- but it’s so well-placed, well-earned, well-acted (Garfield’s expression after landing with MJ in his arms is beyond perfect), it’s

I think step 1 is to not be such a prissy little drama queen. The two Matrix sequels, while not as thought provoking or groundbreaking as the first, were decent vehicles for some action spectacle.

considering you’re the type of person to vow to never watch a certain movie, I think you’re gonna have bigger problems than just not getting a few references.

So go ahead? Nobody’s stopping you or anything.

Quick reminder from the other side of the pond: It’s just an American thing.
Nobody else cares if he is even 1/10000th Italian or not. Absolutely NO Italians care about it. Italians don’t even consider Americans of Italian heritage as Italians. If you are born in America, you are American. If your parents are born in

As a long time fan I enjoyed the early premiere episodes and am looking forward to more. Some things I find questionable but will give it time to play out to see how it works with a new take on the story.

The fact that Vincent D’Onfrio is aware there is another Spider-Man movie being made immediately makes me suspicious that he is in it 

Honestly at this point if they DON’T show up, Spider-fans will riot in the theaters, and the movie will (fairly or unfairly) be considered a gigantic disappointment

Whether they are in the movie or not, they will deny being in it. What’s exhausting is the interviewers keep asking the same stupid question and expecting a different answer. Imagine being constantly asked about being in a movie you’re not in (or at best have a cameo in) while promoting a movie you’re actually in.

Hopefully he remembered to not get so excited as to say “PEW” on-camera!

Jennifer, Beth, and Sam have now found themselves in some kind of captivity, held by The Culpa Ring, the group Agent 355 works for.

Side note: it would be totally worth a million dollars or whatever RDJ wants for them to throw in a blip flashback where Carol calls Tony from a bar on the other side of the universe for support. Just a two minute scene, lot of possibilities.

That’s good to hear. I actually liked “Captain Marvel” and I enjoy Larson in the role (and everything she does), but I think the story arc was a misstep in terms of the whole amnesiac angle, which basically muted Carol as a character until the final act. Like Evangeline Lilly saying Quantumania is the first time she’s

I just watched the live broadcast that completed a few minutes ago. They all seem to be having a blast and keeping busy with science and other tasks. 

Let me get this straight. Your complaint is that two weeks to allow them to package everything up into a television episode showing the cool footage is too long to wait?