
The future scenes in “All Good Things” happen “nearly 25 years” since, according to dialogue in the episode, Geordi last called Picard captain. Since Nemesis was in 2379, close to 25 years could take place somewhere in the 2402-2404 timeframe, which is likely when season 3 of Picard will be set.... Not saying it’s a go

7 years actually. Making for a traditional 7 year Trek series possible.

They didn’t go with a modified Dragon because SpaceX wants to deliver 100-150 tons to the surface in one shot. And they plan on using different engines, probably similar to their SuperDraco engines develop for Dragon, to touch down. These will located high, so won’t create an exhaust crater on the Moon, similar to how

Reverse launch fires you at 5 gravities into the dirt.

WOT was Amazon’s biggest hit, and most watched premiere, so plenty of people watch it.

Fly, you fools!


It’s from a Reddit AMA:

It WAS pitched as an anthology series, and Apple told Goyer no, make it serialized.  So he did.

I suppose Rhodey could get that job. After his Civil War injury perhaps he dipped into the bottle himself, and Tony was his sponsor in coming out of it. Also, Rhodey and Carol have a romance in the comics so it makes sense if they have a thing. We don’t know much about Rhodey’s inner life and personal demons so

I love this take on Cleon, and making him seem like continually cloning himself is a factor in thinking longer term than other rulers could, so would avoid the problems that psychohistory predicts. Instead he makes psychohistory more predictable because his thinking can be more effectively modelled. Cleon is like the

Their sleep schedule is adjusted quite a bit, so they woke up around 3pm.

He’s got articles to write!

No, the deal with Netflix is not exclusive and media isn’t controlled by them.  That was just wrong speculation that was spread on social media.  Surely the 5th episode of the Netlfix doc series will be specutacular though.

You know they’ve time-shifted their schedule, right? They wake up around 3PM EST. 

No Linda Cardellini?

Slightly wrong. He didn’t say that happened during the Apollo days, but that that is what happens now (since the 90's really). He said during the Apollo days the companies just got on with the work.  He absolutely knows what a hyprocritally shitty move this is, and he’s comfortable being a shit.

Ugh, this was the very last movie I ever rented from Blockbuster. I forgot I had it so I was months late in returning it, and they just gave me the option of buying it instead as the cheaper option. But the time my credit card bill came with that charge on it, Blockbuster was bankrupt and the store’s door shuttered.

Speaking of his lounge wear clothes, I totally thought at first he was wearing an Oodie.

Perhaps he actually fought Old Man Cap.  Peggy is running SHIELD and Steve comes out of retirement for reasons, and only Peggy knew.