
I think what I have is a rarer version of that, except it’s not sound, it’s visual like a flashbulb / supernova going off in my head from somewhere near the back of my eyes. Started some time in my 20s and now I’m late 40s but hadn’t happened in years until this pandemic started. Stress, I guess.

I thought i read somewhere there is some sort of Mortal Kombat type competition.

I very very badly want to photoshop the Fury Road Coma-Doof Warrior onto the front of that rover, but it would probably be very very bad for international relations.

The daughter of Zuras, and Prime Eternal after one of his many deaths, Thena was born Azura, but had her name changed to Thena in honor of a peace deal between the Olympian pantheon and the Eternals.

If he does, both robots will have robo-testicles.

I hope they handle it well but they’re not giving away any hints. I suspect his death might be a sudden consequence of the multiverse shenanigans of Dr Strange 2 and Spiderman: Now Way Home, which come out before Black Panther 2. For example, if the timeline changes so that it is T’challa that sacrifices himself on

More like a tool for a villain.  Tool is the right word for John Walker.

I prefer calling the rebooted synthezoid ReVision.

Add to that with nuclear reactors you cannot bring them online fast enough to make a dent in replacing other forms of generation. The growth in energy demand is about as fast as you can do it, on a timeline taking decades to design, build, commission and certify. You’d have to build thousands of reactors

I’m pretty sure Mackie was suppose to play the drone pilot’s role in this, but looks like he found the A.I. captain to be more interesting.

Maslany is just lying until Marvel announces it. The showrunner of She-Hulk apparently believes it is Maslany too.

#2 is good for saying someone is maskless and their exhalations are probably spreading the coronavirus.

Hey, under this kind of corporate feudalism you have to call it it a tithe, not a kickback!

6 seasons and a movie.....

Huh?  The dynamic between the sisters began early in the first season.

I remember it as episode 3 or 4 getting hooked.  2 is too soon to give up on it.

There should be a hash tag and army of twitter bots to promote it.

I’m beginning to wonder if Lori Petty is just being herself in whatever roles come her way.