
This is so bogus, it is just a tax on people that have to drive in to work in lower Manhattan, you know the working poor who can not afford to live in Manhattan but do all the service work, the maids, and all the trade crafts ( construction, plumbing etc..). spin it anyway you want it will be the working “middle”

Yeah I really doubt that the money is going to be used to fix the roads.. More like its going to go to politician pockets.. smh.

This is the correct answer. It was my immediate thought, and nothing else is better. 

Pit lane reporter said the 77 had a turbo failure.

Just put the RENOWN livery on it at no charge to break the damn curse !

Being a Mazda fan is hazardous to your health. Pardon me while I drink myself into oblivion. 

“...despite video evidence that he walked into the space separating the students and Black Israelites and stood there before that students formed a semicircle around him. “

Without questioning whether the kid acted as awfully as portrayed, I must say that the lead speaker in the “Black Israelite cult,” without a doubt a fully grown man, comes off as the most vile, inflammatory person in the video.

This article is a desperate attempt to control. This is the party telling you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears 

“you will see what you want to see here, if you are determined to do so”

So let me get this straight, do you both honestly agree with the premise of the article that think this woman was hard done by? In such an injustice that it deserves a write up like this? You think she should have been kept despite being 4sec a lap slower than her team mate? She spun 6 times on her first race

In F1 you are always judged off of the performance of your teammate. Let’s see how Giovanna did in the 3 races she entered.

Why is having women in F1 a good thing? Diversity for diversity’s sake is fucking stupid.

Jalopnik’s resident NPC...

Danica Patrick was a mediocre driver and she lasted for years simply because she was slightly attractive. There is no need for diversity just for the sake of diversity.  

He was 15 and tried to rob somebody with a fucking gun. Black white or green nobody who does an armed robbery should ever be charged as a child. This is what fox and trump idiots harp on when they say we play the victim. This lil nigglet did an armed robbery but because we all black folks i’m supposed to say he got a

This is basically click bait. Initially it makes it seems like the guy just stole some shoes. In fact, I was expecting it to read that he ran off after trying on the shoes. However, the involvement of a gun changes everything. Once a gun is pulled, it could just as easily been a murder. 5 years is probably too long,

Yeah as soon as I read that headline, I thought, that’s gotta be an armed robbery and it bumped it up to an adult offense. I don’t know if Georgia has discretion (some states don’t) but that’s probably a good case for throwing back to juvenile court.

After reading the headline, I came here all ready to get riled up about the racist system, but this dude did an armed robbery. You brought a dude with a gun with you. And before somebody say “he didn’t know”, how he gonna say that the shoes are “took” if he wasn’t making it clear that he had no intention of giving

I don’t think he deserves 5 years BUT this is armed robbery. It’s not like he ran into a Nike store and swiped the shoes off the rack. By bringing a friend WITH A GUN he showed some premeditation. And for what? A pair of oreo sneakers (whatever the hell that is. . . about to go and look them up).