
No one NEEDS a Mustang.

“I’m ok with assault and violence as long as its against those I don’t agree with”

Very classy and so typically liberal to condone violence and name calling since you have no logic for your hatred and vitriol. I am also not surprised you advocated outlawing speech you dont agree with. Please continue-you’re just helping the conservative cause.

Unreal that people think like you. You do realize this mentality is the same as the racists, right? You are right there in the mud with them. Congratz.

I have a lot of sympathy for suicide, but not for murderous mothers. That poor boy with his last few moments being sheer terror. Just tragic.

Seeing people defend her disgusting actions is making me sick. She’s a killer. It doesn’t matter if her ex was abusive, because, in the end, she did something way worse than he ever did.

“Jumps .... With Her 7-Year-Old Son,” per your headline. “...taking her 7-year-old son with her” and “first dropped her son,” per your text.

she is garbage and I’m glad she’s dead

That poor boy.

She is the ultimate abuser here. What she did to that child is inexcusable, and the worst act to ever happen in that child’s life. Only an abuser would murder.

Im sorry, but fuck her. She’s no different than any of those assholes who murder their wife and kids then turn the gun on themselves. Throwing your seven year old child out of a window is the most severe act of abuse you can commit. She was an abuser.

This is good but racer revenge was much better.

Every single time this game gets mentioned as great, I feel required to note that its sequel, Racer Revenge, was better. It just had more, it ran and looked better, and it wasn’t tied to a specific movie.

He is the expert at whining.

Trump is succeeding on this one, but the editorial policy of the platform requires them to bash him.

it is

Within the next decade you’ll realize that it is America’s ball and we can take it home anytime we want. We are past the point where we need to pretend. The US is realizing its self-sufficiency and Trump isn’t going to stifle it like previous administrations.

My 5spd 1st gen Fit really does not feel comfortable above 70 mph more because of the floatyness - idk if it’s wind resistance because the car is so light and relatively tall, or if it’s because my suspension is borked, or just because my RX-7 is my only direct comparison. My FD is loud and drone-y at all RPMs and

except for power or size. and rotaries are mechanically MUCH less complicated.