
I don’t care if everything else turns into a digital number, the tach must stay round with the needle.


I know you just did a Japanese sports car, but something *ahem* wankel powered would be rad.

I am a new rider, got my license last month and had a crash just 2 weekends ago. Even after taking the MSF course, like the door knob idiot I am, I went off a curve into a ditch filled with rocks because I hit the *textbook* gravel mid-turn that I didn’t see on a road that I had never been on. I was probably going

You only see one“body” in one of the tanks and that body may not actually be real, or just Root (his old “drunken” double that he “hated”) or a fake. Again you can find a more detailed analysis online and I’d rather not take this theory point for point to everything that comes across your mind(s)

All the scenes that explicitly show the cloning machine working are recollections from Hugh Jackman’s diary being read in prison by Christian Bale. The whole point of “The Prestige” is that the movie itself is a magic trick and fools the audience. The machine doesn’t work. I encourage everyone to rewatch it, one of

I am a strong advocate for always buying cars used.

There are renesis engines from 2004 on record going over 200k. The wankel is quite reliable in NA form just like the original NA 13B if its oil levels are monitored and its driven hard. Blown engines are from improper cold start revving, (generation 1 RX8s and FDs did not use tach limiters when cold which was

...not saying I told you so BUT I TOLD YOU SO


Disclaimer: I realize the article was tongue in cheek but I am going into fanboy defend mode anyway.

The shot with the flags / banners overhead: Not only is there the mandalorian mythosaur skull, there is also the journeyman protector sigil (yellow leaf) and SEVERAL pod racer pilot flags including Anakin, Sebulba, Aldar Beedo, and Mawhonic.

“passing on double yellow vs. attempted vehicular homicide... hmmm they seem equally at fault to me!!!!” #cancercomments.

I think Mazda wants to be true to its core fan base. My impression from interviews is that any new rotary coupe is not meant to be a real financial motivator, but rather a passion project by the company.

keep in mind the Renesis makes peak power at anywhere from 8.2 - 8.8k RPM, you really need to beat on it to “get it” (redlining every gear basically), which sometimes you might not have the opportunity of doing in a test-drive.

how many Lotus’s or Alpha 4Cs do you see on the road? the RX-8 and RX-7 were sales failures because of its finicky engine characteristics were exasperated by the dumb public who can’t keep track of oil levels and armchair enthusiasts saying “well it only gets 18 MPG for 250 HP”. I can assure you they are fun to drive

zzZzzZ go buy a camry

wankel ownership demands white knighting, it’s in the handbook

there are stereotypes for all car drivers, you must just live with it. it’s not only trucks. here are some examples
