
I've been to D.C. a few times but never driven there. Driven in and around NYC for many many years (and still do occasionally) and lived in Austin TX for the last 2 years.

Car should have a manual transmission to prevent texting while driving.

I live in Austin and love it when I get to drive in Houston. The drivers there are a million times better. I vastly prefer fast and aggressive over the dazed and confused we have here.

I do know what a strawman is, and it was pretty clear that's what it was when you insinuated the public would know about launches of secret space missions. Perhaps a more apt phrase I could've used would be red herring.

I don't buy into the Gary McKinnon thing either but you're just as bad as the conspiracy theorist you mock with your strawman argument. It's extremely unlikely we would be using rocket technology if we indeed had a secret space program utilizing some sort of alien technology, "visual cloaking" is already a very

I saw an i3 on the road yesterday and still thought it was ugly...

mazda says hi

mazda is great. can we get a new halo car though? if rotary is truly dead (say it aint so), perhaps a coupe mx-5 with a turbo 6 under the hood?? i'd buy the shit out of that. anyways, good news

"And it's even more unbelievable that we haven't been able to top that 51 years later"


RX engine swaps are literally cancer unless it's more rotors.

The trend of making car models bigger is disappointing.

Also, resale on these popular JDM coupes will most likely appreciate or at the very least hold in value, especially if you buy in good condition (with a 50K budget, an absolute pristine RX-7 or Supra is more than reachable).


If this truck existed I imagine Texas highways to be constantly piled up from hooning drivers flipping it while accelerating + changing lanes.

Also people who rush to get on the plane ASAP when it's their turn, or await their turn right next to where the line is forming. It is really a great example of human selfishness where the selfishness serves absolutely no purpose. The plane takes off at the same time for everyone. Usually I select an aisle seat and

Or just subsidize the costs less. The govt is -essentially- already paying out of pocket for gas prices to be this low.

I hope this isn't sarcasm, because I wholeheartedly agree. Speed Racer is perfect for what it aims to be.

I fly from Austin Bergstrom to NY JFK/LGA and back pretty frequently and the difference is rather noticeable. Although I will say that I appreciated not having to take my shoes off or anything through airport security in JFK, but the lines at every terminal are wayyyy worse. It's pretty much a shit show in NY.

This video is so great. I don't get many commentators on my RX-8 at gas stations, but it definitely does happen every so often, and usually from a Bro-type driving a Camaro or Mustang (extremely common here in Texas). "How much horsepower that got man? What's your 0-60 time bro? Why manual, don't you know automatics