
Nice strawman, but no, sorry dood. As if the people complaining have any idea that the saber crossguards existed in former EU content? Obviously they didn't, because they are blaming JJ for ruining star wars or whatever when they're too fake of a fan to recognize this crossguard concept has been around Star Wars for a

Lightsaber crossguard is canon in EU. I know these movies technically re-write EU history, but every Star Wars "fan" who complains about the crossguard is not a real Star Wars fan to begin with.

This was my first car. Red '88 model

I've always wanted to track here but it's so expensive :(. Not like my car is gonna hit anywhere close 180 mph in the straights anyway...

If this car was a real coupe (not even retractable hardtop) I would want one so badly. Nevermind, I still want it *_*

I live in Austin Texas and Mazda's are very popular down here. Other than Ford, I reckon they might be the most popular brand. They're certainly 'up there'. I think it really depends on the area demographics (young / higher energy people seem to buy Mazda's?).

Miata is a temporary shoe-in halo car but will never be the real halo- cuz Rotary 4 Lyfe, breh. Also, I get frustrated by the omission of the RX-8 as it undeservedly represents an unspeakable downgrade to the FD. So in a similar vein to the Miata I will leave with this sentence: the haters of the RX-8 are the people

Mazda making another good car is not surprising to me at all. While this is the Miata kingdom a lot of people don't realize how awesome their other cars are, for what they are. Even though SUVs suck, at least Mazda will make them as non-sucky as possible.

The J-31 looks so much nicer than the F-22 and F-35. Maybe it's just dat black paint with dem red-orange afterburners, but dayyyyyum. Reminds me of a bad guy plane from Ace Combat.

I'd like to see people who drive while texting to get that type of jail time, just to put things in perspective...

This was my first reaction too. It was really stupid of him to do it, but 8 months seems pretty steep. That's a lot longer than most people realize.

I suppose it's fine to think CA is 'better' than TX, but you went way overboard with the "food and beer" comment. Not in a million years, buck-o.

I actually really love Miata's and despite never owning one, I find myself often defending them in arguments with other people who think they're "girl" cars. It's just easy to forget the S2000 exists because they're quite rare in the states (at least where I've lived) and in actuality they just seem to me like they're

Ah the S2000... Exactly what a Miata *should* be. The only car that could truly pull me away from my RX8, if only it wasn't a convertible!

Prometheus by Ridley Scott is thematically grounded by Christianity and Jesus. The reason why the exploration team discovered the Engineers attempted to go back and destroy humanity "roughly 2000 years ago" is because we crucified Jesus, and he was an Engineer (or creation of Engineers) meant to guide us. There are

My problem with most debunking articles is that they often take the approach of "throw a bunch of shit at the wall and hope some sticks". I'm not saying I believe this forged satellite photo for a second, but it adds a whole lot more credibility in my mind if a debunker focuses on a smoking gun and not a bunch of

Hahaha Texas can't have Trikes!!!! FUCK YOU TEXAS HEH ^_^ - sent from my iPhone 6+ at the Grand Central Station Apple Store with an NYPD SWAT officer pointing an M16 down my face shouting profanities

news outlets spouting false information for propaganda purposes?

It's really sad that you're trying to take the high ground by trying to marginalize me with your stupid strawman shit. Never said I hated America, but rather was making the point that we spend an obscene amount of money under the pretext of "defense". I am 99.9 percent more likely to die from illness or a car accident

I choose to not drink the kool-aid that tells me we need to spend more money on our military than the next seven countries combined, because I am a rational human and not a moron. Civilian application of technology would be better served at a place, like say, NASA?