
I prefer to have separate email accounts for different purposes:work, personal, business...

I get bored easily, so I need a job where I can do diverse things. Kinda like what you do in an internship.

Why not try your hand at running your own business while working for the man?

I know you can link google earth to display terrain in your current aircraft location, but maybe the simulators graphics engine could load terrain data from FS Earth.

I hope MS or a 3rd party will find a way of integrating this with MS Flight Simulator =>

I have plenty of idle time at work :)

If I am really tired, and it's not too cold or too hot, I take a nap during lunch break. My car is parked outside, usually in the shade, so I open the window and play some music on the radio, recline the seat fully, and I usually get 30 minutes of sleep for 45 minutes in the car.

I watched (well, kinda, I hid under the blanket)

and the point of cheating at this is so you can brag on the Internet about it?

go retro, use regular clothes that were also in fashion during the period you wanna represent.

do not speed is the best advice here...just watch the gauge and if you must speed stay at 5 mph above the posted speed limit.

Whoever suggested to check your jack in advance! That is a very good suggestion indeed.

my job is perfect for telecomuting...virtually everything is done via phone or computer, since we work with people on the other side of the Atlantic. our records are digitized...all I would need is a laptop that can access the computer at work and an international calling card, which I already have actually for trips.

This year I'm going 70's:

putting my home phone number in there gave a little phrase that promoted action against homosexuals....and using a slang wored nonetheless. I know that slang word can mean cigarette in England but still.

everyone should at least grow their own weed :)

I remember how before finals and due projects I would snack on Snickers from the conveniently placed vendint machines like a madman.

I finally got to test this on a long trip. It worked well, up to the time sunlight started to diminish.

I found the interface confusing and untidy.

I think any survival kit should be waterproof . I keep mine (the one in the flight bag), in a cylindrical plastic container I got , a long time ago, at a career fair from the coast guard booth. IF you have anything with a screwing top,you can waterproof it by wrapping a rubber band at the bottom of the threading. At