
Here's something related that I'd like to know how to do:

"Something risky" as in what?

Wrapping an entire laptop in bubble wrap sounds like not fun especially if you want to use it in flight.

Google Books (beta) also has a lot of full text books available for free.

Sid Meier's Civilization

with used CRTs going for 25 or less, if you feel the need to look at two browser windows at the same time, best option is to get a second monitor.

I have 3 monitors connected to my computer, and I just open separate browser windows on each.

Being overweight and wearing glasses with a receding hairline in my early 20s made me look (and feel) older than my years. That and poor social skills.

In the case of would-be thiefs, there's a yappy puppy at home.

err by 'here' I meant at work :)

Luckily I have a gym at work so I exercise during lunch break. Then I pick some food up from the cafeteria and eat at my desk. It's usually 35 minutes for workout, 15 minutes to get changed for the gym and then back to work clothes, and then 10 minutes to eat.

proxy sites are blocked at my work but this one wasn't yet.

seems it's best for prank value :)

For note taking, I think the best option is a Handheld PC like the Jornada 680 or the NEC Mobilepro. Used ones can be had for as low as 50 bucks and their keyboard is similar to that of a laptop, but smaller. They have touch screen capability so you get the best of both worlds. I have small hands and I type about as

One thing I found was that if I were thinking about what needs to be done the next day, I'd never for asleep. however, if I were menatlly reviewing things I'd done that day, I would relax and eventually fall asleep.

Check this out, a way to grow plants without any dirt at all: