
With no supercharger and a lack of power, this Durango is less a twisted sister and more of a sister christian.

i’m interested, but i spoke to the wife, sadly, and we’re not going to take it.

Goldberg, Goldberg, Goldberg, and Goldberg

Woooo my first COTD! There are so many people I’d like to thank. I’d like to first thank my family who have been very supportive of me, I’d like to thank the Jalopnik academy, uhhhh, Obama, my cat-

They finally came across some drafts they can handle.

I just imagined a couple trying to furiously bang to “Sell Out” by Reel Big Fish and it was hilarious. That would be so awful.

Desert eagle .50, deployed ironically

I grew up in Appalachia. Southern Appalachia. I now live in New England. Every time I pay an crazy amount in taxes or the like, I remember that my high school graduating class had 172 people in it and 11 went to college. I remember that people smoked in line at the grocery store, bank, doctor’s office, every where. It

“Sorry, daughter, if we kept the car, we would not be able to put into your college fund, pay our health insurance, buy food for the dog, pay off the house, or any other thing that costs money dollars.”

“I am far from an expert on this subject, as the last time I tried to weld anything together I got a large glowing hole where metal was supposed to be. Still, hopefully this driver gets this old Plymouth in order and keeps a closer eye on getting everything right, down to the littlest structural weld.“

When my parents sold their red four-door Chevy Chevette, everyone in the family cried.

Extremely rare? I’d call that extremely well done.

The Lakers

But, why is his dog wearing a Seattle Mariners hat?

First question: How many total animals did United transport?

Seattle dog (hot dog with cream cheese and grilled onions) from street meat vendors, but only when you’re drunk.

Be polite and apologetic. That’s it. Excuses never work because if you give an excuse you’re admitting you purposely were speeding. “Sorry about that officer” has worked pretty well for me. But then again, so has being over 30 (I got a bunch of tickets in my 20's, respectful apologies or not, so it may be out of

That SUV is whiter than a dinner party at Mar A Lago!

The guy wearing the skin of Mr. Regular is one half of Regular Car Reviews. He occasionally writes for Jalopnik, Road & Track and other places.

Five good guesses?