
BFI weighted shift knob. My 70 year old mother hooked me up. With some help from my wife.

Seller changed their name from Kitty to Karen.

Very true

It is today!

Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

He got in the cross hairs of a mod with a notoriously itchy ban hammer.

That was BS!

Is he still on “time out” on OPPO?


Venza, Type S

“It’s like raaaiiiinnnnn...”

Pound all the things!

I believe you must # all the things.

Conversation I had with my wife

It’s going to perform a couple fly bys this weekend at Sea Fair. Can’t wait tot see it!

Had to scroll way too far to see this.

I’m scared of being run off the road by a guy jacking off in his car racing to get to the urologist.