
Aren't pcbs pretty tolerant of heat?

I did the heat gun method with an HP (I think it was the dv series that had all those problems). Worked like a charm. TBH I had never heard of the dell version of this problem I thought it was just a crappy HP thing. If I recall correctly, it was cheap solder that was the problem on the HP's, though, not over heating.

Your position is idiotic for several reasons. First, you assume otherwise people wouldn't be racist or sexist. People would figure that out all on their own. You are essentially blaming the victim. Second, your premise assumes that if black people stopped using that word it would die. I promise it would be alive and

Blast you in the face with a jet of ink? I don't get it.

You think black people are the ones keeping that word alive? I promise you, if black people hadn't reclaimed that word then it would still be alive and healthy, thanks to people like those racist crackers at SAE. Thanks to black adoption of that word it has less power than it would. That's how reclamation works.

You must know that you dont get to decide whether that word is damaging to black people, that's up to them. And they have, by consensus, agreed that they will reclaim that word.

Unfortunately this discussion has gotten a bit removed from the original issue: the SAE video. Their use of the N-word was not committed in a bubble, it was included in the middle of a racist song. That was the problem. That's also the reason why many black students spoke up in defense of the house mother, the context

Thank GOD racism is ALMOST all over, but I only wish black people weren't constantly reminding us how horrible those other white people USED to be by using that horrible world. I mean, we could all totes move on with our lives otherwise.

Thank GOD racism is all over, but I only wish black people weren't constantly reminding us how horrible those other white people USED to be by using that horrible world. I mean, we could all totes move on with our lives otherwise.

I am white and have no problem with the fact that under most circumstances I am not allowed to use the n-word. People of color are-as usual- being held to a much higher standard than white people by those trying to call them out for so-called hypocrisy. White people, we are just as inconsistent an idiosyncratic.

because whoever claimed it was 2015 didn't change the 26 years part.

No one has sufficiently explained yet why we are skipping right over lunar colonization.

So police are only capable of safely dealing with people who aren't breaking the law?

The only thing that worries me is that polyamory might become a substitute for learning to be alone with yourself. The common relationship difficulty of mismatched hobbies/sex drives used to be a problem because it favored men: they don't experience the social pressure to maintain their virtue & commit to one person

Can we write this riddle without making it about a guy with two clueless girlfriends? The guy could just as easily have two favorite restaurants, one downtown and one up. It just seems unnecessary.

It's illegal to rape in order to get off, but it's perfectly acceptable, even healthy, to participate in a role play of rape to get off. Why should the rules be any different because it's vicarious?

what you said about non-con, that it's just a George Carlin way of saying rape, really made me think. Is it? Because I think the distinction is important. Are these scenes actually attempting to depict rape? Isn't there really an unspoken assumption that what we're seeing is a roleplay (really, really unspoken)? I

fantasy is virtually uncensorable, that much everyone seems to agree on (minus underage and animal participants). But a growing body of evidence agrees that f2m rape is physically possible, and yet we see so little of it represented in porn and other forms of sexualization. The kinks depicted in porn, or even just

II hate this phrase with the fire of a thousand suns. If I encounter it in an article or blog I immediately move on. Also, the shortened version: " that said " no longer conveys any meaning.

I disagree with the common usage argument. So a bunch of people use it incorrectly, so we have to accept it and do nothing? We're a bunch of people too, we can push for correct usage.