Space Madness

Pedophiles in Hollywood?! You mean the industry that took Shirley Temple to bars so much they named a drink after her and never blinked at J. D. Salinger’s 15 year old girl friend and keeps putting 12 year olds in hooker outfits in movies and music videos has a problem with pedophilia?! No fucking way!!!!

It did immediately come off to me as #notallmen.

For sure. Fuck if I can even remember what happened last season.

Yeah, new agers don’t prostelatize. Give me a flipping break. You’ve never had your ear talked off about how you’re killing yourself with modern medicine? You’ve never seen Portland’s fluoride ban or the rage in California over vaccine laws? How about the obstruction public wifi has gotten all over the contry from

Here it is, folks. The best comment this thread could ever have. Read it. Cherish it. Learn from it.

You go ahead and call me whatever you want. It won’t make it true.

Where did I come from. Do your cards tell you?

Now even you’re laughing at how ridiculous your field of confidence work is.

Your attempt at looking informed actually shows how little you know about migrations in that region of the world. But, hey, you’re still purposefully missing the main point. But I don’t care. I never argue with ignorant people to convince them. I do it to make sure theirs isn’t the only voice in the conversation.

You’re reacting just as I predicted. It’s like I did a reading on you.

Um, what? I got nothing wrong. Mercury and his family are from India. Job’s father was an ethnic Arab. You make up whatever BS you need to to be a privileged, insensitive douche bag in peace. It’s the Trump era, after all. It’s your time to shine.

I’ll stop when you do. This is a “who cares most” contest, remember?

Hold what? Are you having a stroke?

Wow, you’re so mad you want to kill me? I guess that mugger analogy was spot on.

Now you’ll respond with a bunch of memes because you’ve got no way of defending yourself anymore. But you’ll keep responding in order to not show perceived weakness. Hit that nail square on the head, didn’t I?

I’m so unimportant I bet I can goad you for literally days as you try to have the last word.

But what you do is total bullshit, so who cares how it “works”? You don’t care about me? You’ve written a dozen curse filled replies at me. If I was in the room you couldn’t do it because what you do only works on the foolish and the desperate. My sanity would throw off your game, or whatever excuse you proffer. The

Yeah, it’s funny that “people don’t care” when ever it errs on white. It’s usually pretty obvious who those “people” are. Nice to see that nothing I wrote had any effect on you. I’m guessing you see yourself everywhere in media and are satisfied. Don’t bother lying. The rest of us don’t have that privilege.

Shouldn’t you know for sure? Why don’t you do a reading?

None. I haven’t read any flat earth or alien abduction books either.