Space Emporer Biden

They’re just envious of her ability to garner media attention and actually have a voice that has an effect.

This is just good policy. Such vast hoarding of wealth is immoral and any system which perpetuates this inequality is doomed to fail.

Erik “Military Cosplay” Prince would be the worst person of the Wyoming three to be in the senate. And I cannot believe I wrote that about a possible race with a member of the Cheney family running.

I would love to have my summer dispersed over the rest of the school year; 45 four-day weeks would be great, but I would prefer shorter school days over five days.

As a teacher, I would love a longer school year with shorter days and more dispersed breaks. Makes more sense anyway.

Klobuchar needs to lean into the Selina Meyer persona and just go with “Man Up” as her slogan.

they’re writing books now. They’re all getting famous off of this presidency. And so, I think it’s great what we’re doing now.”

C’mon guys, be nice to what’s-her-name, it must be hard knowing that the only reason anyone even knows who you are is because of your dad, who was only a senator because of your mother’s inherited wealth.

There is a Chaop Trap House episode where they make fun of Dan Pfiffer’s book and it’s hilarious. I don’t mind their Monday group, but Pfiffer is definitely the most annoying of them.

Lewis Black has a joke about the stock prices and how it’s stupid to show those on news stations; in essence, we all see that stocks prices are going up, and someone’s getting rich, but it isn’t you.

I would highly recommend that anyone wanting to learn more read Matt Taibbi’s book, I Can’t Breathe, which tells Eric Garner’s life story and the events of the day he died.

Remember growing up there was always some girl who was, like, really into horses; they wore sweaters, or had binders, with horses and shit on them?

It’s clear that Dem leadership doesn’t actually care about improving the lives of Americans, but simply maintaining power. Primary ‘em all.

we would not be at the mercy of our greedy employers

very cool, I wonder how many NM high school grads are going to go to college now.

I am an English teacher and all the books we use are just me pushing my radical socialist agenda of treating poor people with like humans, caring about the environment, and questioning the relationship between wealth and power.

maybe; I teach high schoolers and the little alt-right students I do have all think that Trump is awesome because he owns the libs; also, their parents are racists, teaching their progeny to be just as hateful.

they took his jerb

there may be less fascists in Gen Z but goddamn are they even more nihilist than their predecessors

that election, not Carter. poor wording on my part.