Space Emporer Biden

None of these clowns have probably ever had to deal with the consequences of their decisions; that many are being treated like shit (lol Sean Spicer) by the general public is great and should be encouraged.

must be nice to be some rich failson where you can use your parent’s position to get you seemingly anything just because of your name

fair enough; it’s probably my favorite of the tragedies, so I was hoping it was going to be line-for-line

I always enjoyed Kenneth Branagh’s Henry V. That said, I will definitely be streaming this on Sept 9 because I love Shakespeare.

I teach in a public school in a very red state. Whenever we do the active shooter drills, all I can think about is how useless it all is if there were a real attacker.

I did vote for her, but hey whatever makes you feel cool.

if anything changes, they react so poorly. if only there was a term to describe someone who is easily upset by minor things used by a certain segment of people who like right-wing garbage like that op-ed.

I don’t think unions should endorse any primary candidates, unless that candidate is the only one pushing for worker’s rights.

cool, now let’s give them an actual house rep and each nation senators.

Thanks Hillary, now please fuck off with the rest of your family into obscurity. We begrudgingly voted for you in 2016 and we sure as shit don’t want you around now.

Yo, Rece, I didn’t know you liked to get wet.”

I was hoping it would be athleisure wear for guns

I only respect one hypnotic creature:

“But,” Cramer added, seemingly oblivious to every single word that’d come out of her mouth so far, “as far as me being against blacks, no I’m not.”

the heat index the past few weeks in Dallas has been over 100, often around 110

*extremely Texan accent* “Shoot, man, I tell you what: when I watch them boys play football on Fridays, I don’t need some weak-armed teacher tellin’ me about how much that school’s fallin’ apart. Whatchu think you brought on yourself workin’ in public schools? You just make sure them boys eligible for the games!

This so ridiculous. I’m a teacher in North Texas, and we’ve had to to cancel school because our campus heating system was not working in the winter. That they wouldn’t do the same with a broken A/C is so much worse and probably more dangerous.

Monica Lewinsky is involved as a producer though. We should consider watching is so that she gets paid for all that the lizard neolibs and media people, like Maureen Dowd, did to make her life absolute hell.

Great piece, Hamilton.

every rich donors, regardless of party: