Space Emporer Biden

he's an evil doctor, like Dr Evil.

the story isn't even that good to begin with, so of course a movie based on it will also be lame.

happy EPL opening weekend, everyone!

Trump drinks diet Coke all day, and eats fast food and overcooked red meat. He probably smells like fucking garbage.

gutless laws give the NRA material to scare people into buying guns, which creates more fun violence that causes people to buy more guns, and thus push more empty gun control that allows the cycle to continue.

the entire El Paso shooting is so utterly depressing that it is enough to cause an overwhelming existential dread and nihilism, the depths of which my therapist isn't ready for. so, laughing at Trump being so woefully unfit for the moment is all you can do because not much is going to change.

People recommend who they know and white men only know other white men. Not surprising.

That’s the best way to do nothing, but say you’ve done something. Congrats, congress!

I saw the tweets about this yesterday, but this is my first time seeing the video. Holy shit, it's worse than I thought.

you have to laugh to keep from crying

That defense attorney is just doing the best he can. Can’t blame him for trying it. Good to know that white nationalist rhetoric keeps paying off.

Who let Gillette expand beyond the razor business and into publishing?

white men of status never apologize! they are only wronged, as they cannot be wrong. especially if they work at the NYT!

I believe we call this The Jake Tapper Special: emailing someone about their completely-reasonable and fair criticism, and then demanding an apology.

that’s a baseless assumption. talking points like that are used to pit immigrants and people of color against one another rather than punishing the people who hire undocumented immigrants and benefit from their labor.

white people have a knack for coming up with names that scream “I’m a rich white asshole.” the current trend I see from students I teach is the use of names that are usually last names.

Ah, we all remember that famous George Wallace joke “segregation now, segregation tomorrow and segregation forever.” Classic!

cool story, bro

food processing plant workers. what a fucking waste of resources. meanwhile white supremacists are killing peoplenof color. what a time to be alive!

Good lord, none of these GOP ghouls give a shit about brown people.