Space Emporer Biden

their ultimate goal is to turn the US into a nation that, while economically not the most powerful, uses influence and military strength to strong arm the international community into letting this administration do what it wants.

that silence right after the glass breaking is perfect.

Bidencare is just the current healthcare situation we are in, but without hope of it getting better.

I have a NYT subscription that I’m going to be canceling. It’s absurd how they continually fail to call something so obviously racist what it is. They give voice to assclowns like Bret Stephens and Ross Douchehat, all while worrying about Very Serious Commentators whining about their “bias” against conservatives. They

Remember when he was a likeable conservative in the eyes of the media?

can the people of PR ever catch a fucking break?

imagine going to law school and securing a job in the DOJ only to end up filiny garbage like this. despicable.

remember when an impeachment inquiry was something we wanted to happen? Now we just want them to stop acting like high school kids. the Dems are going to waste all the potential energy that could make 2020 a success.

What a fucking nightmare. Between him not running and MJ Hegar being a nobody. Texas will never be rid of John Cornyn.

Pence is definitely the kind of guy who probably felt like he was doing God's work by punishing these people for not being born in America.

If he didn’t know about it beforehand, no one else did. That’s how his brain works because he’s a fucking self-absorbed psychopath.

Makes sense: college football coaches are used to being part of a good ole boys club. Also, I look forward to Bama fans trying to talk up an Auburn coach.


we should be so lucky. probably a less painful death than the long, slow churn of climate change.

he’s just bitter from being beat up in school when he would challenge jocks to debate him.

can't wait for all those fucking snowflakes at the WH for that clown car summit to talk about how this is a censuring of conservatives! gotta love our garbage reality!


Primary the centrists and, until that happens, the CPC or at least a bill-killing group of them need to stick together and force Pelosi to listen to them.

CPC needs to build a vote-killing group, willing to stick together, so Pelosi will listen to them.