
Still looks better than this weird thing

Best looking Civic in a while.

Be glad it’s not Toonces

One word... Aerodeck

You didn’t answer his question. The possibility of them hitting you does NOT prevent you from slowing down. Them hitting you is THEM causing their own accident.

TGAC(Top Gear After Clarkson) is horrible. It has nothing to do with the hosts although the Screaming Guy does suck pretty bad. It’s more the producing and writing. I bet you could take an old script and run the Joey and Screaming Guy through it and it would be a decent show. Obviously that won’t work as we’ve seen

This is me after the first half hour.

You know, Honda benchmarked Toyota on reliability and BMW on driving dynamics in the 90s. It worked pretty well, I’d say.

But in all seriousness, If somebody behind you would like to pass, even if you are driving the speed limit and your personal opinion is that they shouldn’t be going faster, please please please don’t match the speed of the lane next to you and purposefully prevent them from passing.

Signs like this might help.

Um you’re way off. Yes the OTA signals are digital now, but they still exist. Why do you think the FCC was giving out coupons for DTV tuner boxes for like two years?

Um you’re way off. Yes the OTA signals are digital now, but they still exist. Why do you think the FCC was giving