
Okay, I got all that. I guess I just wish the metaphor didn't feel so heavy handed. It's one thing to make a movie about grief and resentment of your child. It's another to so overtly make that grief into a clear antagonist and have everyone proclaim it as the 'scariest movie in ages'. Will definitely watch it again

Going to have to go back and rewatch it then. I think that having experienced some of the emotions the mother went through could definitely give you an "in" on what the movie was trying to that I as a 30-something guy who's never been through that has missed.

Oh right, my bad. Stupid AI then. Revealed its hand way too early.
Note to self: reveal massive conspiracy within the nation's security forces AFTER you've launched massive airship strikes on everyone who might be able to stop you.

I'm going to choose to believe that a sentient A.I. already went self-aware sometime in the late 80's, and has just been keeping itself hidden since then as it just slightly manipulates events worldwide to push for greater American production of surveillance, weaponry and networking, all of which it can then take

You all were clearly watching a very different Babadook that I saw. The one I saw had massive overacting from the mother, a plotline so heavy-handedly based on metaphor that it couldn't stand by itself, and a monster that not only wasn't scary, but was in fact so limited by the film's budget that you knew nothing

Have you watched Rec with the lights off? I said the same thing until that happened.

Was just listening to it, didn't notice until just now that "the endless river" is the next-to-last lyric of the song.

Reminds me of The Terror. My god reading that book was painful.

No idea what you're going on about. The Division Bell is one of my favorite albums of all time. "High Hopes", "Keep Talking" and "Take It Back" are classics.

Construx > Capsela > Tinker Toys

It's def Marmite.

I have tried, oh I've tried with Portlandia, but god if I just can't be made to care. I get it — people obsessed with being hipsters can be really obnoxious and perhaps miss the important things in life. It just doesn't make me laugh.

Love this. More on the story, always. And as with books like The Magicians trilogy I just wrapped up (amazing), please also ensure the stories have layers.

But will it be available outside the US? The international copyright laws are pretty much the most annoying thing there is in life.

Sandwich shop must have been either Rebecca's, The Three Sisters or Old Harbor Take Out. Best summers of my life.

I can't begin to imagine how they're going to make more seasons out of this. Unless they decide to make it an anthology series with a very different kind of affair every time?

I thought it was pretty clear in the last episode that he was just using his hand but yeah, those grey lines that define the borders of "cheating" are definitely interesting.

Grew up on Block Island. Family still lives there. Can't wait to see how it was portrayed in this episode — it's frankly bizarre to me that one of the most beautiful places I've ever been really hasn't showed up in any movie or tv series until now as far as I know.

I think you guys covered all of my personal favorites impressively well except two, the two that started them all: Looney Tunes and StarBlazers. Looney Tunes I could just watch for hours on end with endless bowls of cereal on Saturday mornings. It never ever got old. StarBlazers would make me race home from school on

"…they plan to pitch it to studios next week…"