
I’m buying a Mazda CX-5 instead. I’m not a regular dad, I’m like, a cool dad. I shave my head to hide my bald spots and compensate with a beard. I wear Adidas Superstar sneakers because I wore them in high school. I listen to EDM. I do Crossfit, drink homemade juices and hike mountains. Minivans are for boring-ass

So your first car was a DeLorean or a Benz or a Reatta . . . ok

“what saved her marriage and allowed her eventually to build a healthy relationship with her birth son Mitch was that she did not have sex with him”

thinking the exact same thing (sans the canoe races. didn’t know they were today: gotta go!)

There is no president, past, present or future that can fix the kinda stupid we have here in Louisiana business and politics.

Hey guys look at my asshole, I’m speaking out of it.

Yea, lets vote for the guy that desires to collect every nanogram of you and your information to make a dollar off it by deleting your privacy and right.

To be so rich and bored that you go take a field trip to work.

So company one buys/”absorbs” company two.

Fuckin get rid of this asshole already someone PLEASE . ..

PLEEEEEEEASE have the JK removable doors and top!

75, thats it? You made it sound extreme.

Cant control a Charger, doesnt need a Mustang.

Remember this day when its all over and then try to tell it to His face.

I don’t get it.

Baton Rouge for some ungodly reason has more New York plates here than I care to admit. I drive 200-400 miles a day across south Louisianan and I started counting every day I see a **unique** NY plate and its been over a year and I have not missed a day.

“Cuomo tweeted that he felt 18 years old again behind the wheel of the Demon, which seems like the age of the target audience for the car anyway”

So like they can’t buy 3 hammers now?

You are a dick. Not in a good way either, but in a cunt sorta way. This was harmless and everyone had fun.

This is not art.