So what you are saying is they are both assholes and it really isn’t any of our business.
So what you are saying is they are both assholes and it really isn’t any of our business.
You’re complete lack of reality is why we have a murderous traitor and a fuckin game show host running for president.
X5, big car . . .
Remote beach town, in the summer . . . ok.
I can’t wait to see the internet farmers trying to avoid their weekly TPS reports about to school you on how your wrong and know nothing about farming.
Whiny bitch having a first world crisis.
Hey cunt, this story was not about game tactics, it was about a shitbag thug kicking another player for making a fair play. It was about uncontrolled rage when he didn’t get what he wanted. It was about his superiority complex to another human.
This is why common sense leads up to a consumption tax and scrap all taxes of income 100%.
When it comes to regulations on citizens, do you think this is so shortsighted as not to include your car in the future?
Came here to say this guy sounds like a tool, you beat me to it.
That “unsafe feeling” is called personal responsibility.
If you're going to fib on a product, undersell it.
In all fairness, I own a 1989 FSJ Grand Wagoner and there has never been wood on them from the factory.
So you’re saying the same government that writes rules governing what commoners can and can’t do goes right ahead and does the very things that are illegal . . . and were surprised?
I’m glad I was not the only one to see that WTF back there. The whole time thats all I could think of.
It is because of fuckin idiots like you that defend this shitstain kid that we have a lying, traitorous serial killer and a game show host as the people to lead this country.
Maybe thats his talent . . . he can set up a business that kills businesses and people can pay him to wear the competition, or counter to not wear their things.
I was more laughing with you really . . . the idea that anything Gawker infests can be anything but politically rancid is funny.
“but don’t let that get in the way of professional journalism. Otherwise you’re just a bunch of glorified bloggers.