
I didn’t realize you hated the van so much, your future self repurchased your yellow Hummer to chase your own self down to crush yourself.

Can we just start rolling 7D8 for wars now then if this is the methods for purchasing hardware?

This says so much about your comment.

After reading the Blizzard thread, I think this is a perfect time to introduce people to real world economics.

This is the best way to end the day just before quitting your job.

CHRIST this had Driving Ms. Daisy written all over it.

Hey look, a self-righteous douchbag.

Too late: It’s sold. Y'all missed it.

pot, meet kettle

Obviously a much bigger one than your dick, but much smaller than your douchbag attitude.

If they searched for people entering the US illegally as hard as they do these cars, we would not have to spend money on a wall.

or . . . get your own life and just leave the liar alone.

I’ve been to bigger meetings of AA than you show in those pics. My high school after football parties had more life than what you showcased.

Someone is having a heavy flow day.

Fuckin hell. This is all a bunch of shit. Until the power that is sent down that plug to the car is 100% wind, water, nuclear or solar, these electric cars will still be using fossil fuels to run them.

eh, put them all on a boat and let that boat circle the globe until it sinks. Everybody wins.

Shut your potato hole.

Apparently you are a complete dumbass from what I see in this thread.

Christ, the lack of historical understanding is beyond frustrating.

Do you agree with everything your federal government is doing across the world?