The US is full of deepthroaters. One only needs to see how you and so many of your friends voted in the complete moron as your boss to see this.
Oh and you dared me and I have been jumping all over your pussyfied threat.
You can’t seem to understand the ones that have been posted already dumbass.
Dare me to do what, call you out for having brass and Executive Branch cock down your throat and balls resting on your nose for thinking the military is designed for social issues?
Even in race gear all I can see is dat ass!
Everytime I see a post about a dumbass driver, I silently mudder “Please don’t be from my state. Please don’t be from my state. Please don’t be from my state. Please don’t be from my state.”
Oh you better believe we will go to war over Swiss Missies in Bikinis . . . or we better Mr. Muslum President.
The Feds and the Futures traders price oil and they never have to pay for it, so its a personal game of Shoots N Ladders for them: they don’t care.
In all serious: prayers and all
No thanks to the ‘Justice System.”
Yea, because ALL illegal, ignorant and asshole-ish things cops do that break every law in this country is because that someone broke some law and they have a knack for infallibly finding all lawbreakers regardless of if its the original one they were after.
RETORT: If your job is to police automobiles, you SHOULD know the difference between them.
Retorical question from one that had this same sort of situation:
This from the police that by virtue of the badge are correct first and proven wrong later and their memory is infallible when its ones word against a cop in a court of law.
I will give you that, seeing most are thrashed out that still run the roads, however from a glance it says ‘meh, I am just an older truck.’
The Camaro driver did NOTHING wrong.