
Since it invariably is going to come up, I don’t understand how people can scream “this is a witchhunt” or “people are too sensitive” or “this is SJW nonsense” when time and again big gaming/tech companies have proven to be navel gazing, bro-clubs who alienate anyone who isn’t a straight white male.

It’s not

Bitter expedients. Bitter cretin. Papa John.

People with children are not allowed to have crippling depression. Got it. Thanks for that. I’ll keep it in mind.

Cowboy Bebop is so far the only anime I refuse to watch in anything other than its english dub. Even the guy who made it says the english dub is the best version.


They lost their son at 27 years old due to a terrible implementation of a stupid idea. What you’re essentially saying is that if you are worth more than a million dollars you no longer count as a human being. Just think about that for a minute.

Dude, their kid died. Have a little respect.

He was worth an estimated $5-10 million at the time of his death, and owned two $1 million properties at the time of his death. Grand Cherokees can go for upwards of $50k and the high-end once have great interiors. Who says he needs to spend all of his money on a car when he can get a nice car for a relatively low

Perfect example of Technology for technology’s sake

Man, I’d heard it was bad, but I had no idea. At some point someone at Jeep should have said “if we have to create a video to retrain people on basic automotive operations, there’s something wrong”.

I didn’t figure it out until the actual reveal, because I am a Millenial, and need to be checking my phone, email, and twitter while watching a show, thus missing roughly half of what is going on.

For all of Skyrim’s narrative faults, it still has better love stories than Twilight.

I personally am hesitant to like Wonder Woman because of the director’s defending her decision to put ALL the Amazons in high heels. She basically said it was OK because it was “wish fulfillment”. LIKE LADY. I don’t care about your weird wish fulfillments. I just want to watch the first female major superhero movie in

“What if we did the Avengers, but with lesser known characters and none of the setup movies?”

Ok...some things need clarification here, especially the differences between UHF and VHF. The article has that exactly backwards. Channels 2-13 are VHF (Very-High Frequency), and 14 and above are UHF (Ultra-High Frequency). There is a HUGE difference between them. VHF antennas are the big ones you see, usually on

Can we please stop painting parenting as the only way to get "the highest highs" in life? It's extremely self-righteous and condescending to those who don't want kids, and a knife to the heart of those that do but are having fertility issues. People are different and varied and value different things. You do you &