Soylent Green Is People

There's an excellent documentary called 'Manufacturing Doubt' which goes into the history of how large corporations in America have (starting about 60 years ago) used their resources to establish doubt where there really should be none - i.e. established science, empirical fact and so forth.
What has been done is to

"The past was alterable. The past never had been altered. Oceania was at war with Eastasia. Oceania had always been at war with Eastasia."

People tend to overlook how important David Spade was to the career of Chris Farley. They were the perfect comedic duo; the absurd physical comedy of Farley to Spade's straight man. We all remember Farley as the funniest guy, but much of the on-screen humour we know and love him for works so well because he had Spade

I'm not insulting your intelligence. I'm pointing out that it's relatively low. Don't be sour about the fact that the education system failed you.

You are clearly high. And probably mildly retarded. Don't be high and retarded on the internet.

Well, let's see, there was the terrible dialogue. I mean, the script was just generally lame buy the dialogue was particularly terrible. Then there was the ridiculous decision to cast Ryan Gosling as the hardcase / toughguy. I think Gosling is a good actor, but he's not a toughguy. For whatever reason, Hollywood loves

Man Of Steel does not deserve to be on this list. It's not great, by any means, but it's not bad enough to be on a year-end Worst list.
And, yes, I watched Gangster Squad (not in theatres, though - I "down-borrowed" it from teh interwebz). It was god-awful. So, so, so very bad.

After Earth was pretty damned bad. Same director, too.