Soylent Green is Burners

I will cite this as video evidence the next time someone tells me that Mustangs only go straight.

I was wondering how 0 3-pointers could be more than the Lakers total.

There was a time in the 80s an early 90s when you could turn on actual ESPN and land on a hurling match, world cup doubles luge, or some other random event. I miss those days.

That bear’s name is Jay Cutler, you can tell because he’s not showing any anger or putting up much of a fight.

Bears fans have always been the dumbest...


It’s disappointing how many people commenting think you’re serious.

Whitewall tires? I agree. They should totally add those.

Ferrari’s leather wrapped fire extinguishers.

Am I supposed to like her cause she threw shade at Megan Kelly? Cause, uhm...fuck a republican.

You’re right. It is sad that whatever provincial metropolis you live in or near isn’t the media capital of the world.

They did...everyone has bitched about it for the last 8 years.

Oh now you guys like previous Lincolns.

He’ll be a hell of a quarterback if he can just master the twelve-step drop.

Pretty sure I saw snow at the end of the video, could’ve lowered his tire pressure by .2lbs

I wonder what his tire pressure was.

This is what happens when you use the turn signal in a BMW.

Where there’s smoke, there’s a Ferrari.

1 - for a duty pistol that does not require concealment, revolvers chambered in .357 magnum are available in 7 and 8 shot cylinders.