Artesian: “relating to or denoting a well bored perpendicularly into water-bearing strata lying at an angle, so that natural pressure produces a constant supply of water with little or no pumping.” Still bullshit, but nothing to do with artisans.
Artesian: “relating to or denoting a well bored perpendicularly into water-bearing strata lying at an angle, so that natural pressure produces a constant supply of water with little or no pumping.” Still bullshit, but nothing to do with artisans.
Man A: Has fun, messes with people.
I think subaru calls it an outback.
Remember stephon Marbury and jr smith have been Knicks
That’s because tires are expensive.
I once saw Drake, Justin Bieber and Rob Ford sitting within 50 ft. of each other at a Raptors game.
Still the Red Sox.
Short answer: Yes
I promise you that footwear will not interfere with their bootstraps.
Found the bitter 3 series driver guys
Doesn’t the 3-series badge take care of that?
Why the fuck does the cop need to ask for ID? They broke no laws. They did nothing wrong.
I see you did nothing illegal at all. Do you have any ID I can see?
Kind of bothered me that they asked to see his ID after it was obvious they had no reason to be at his residence.
yeah, there’s a switch on the buffer to go the other way.