Soylent Green is Burners

When was Acura any different than it is now? They had one exciting FWD car in their whole history, and they had NSX. They were always the purveyors of boring, nicer Hondas, and that is what they are doing now as well - and the NSX is coming back too.

Where you went wrong is your second to last sentence. Capitalism doesn’t look for the lowest price. It looks for the lowest cost. Wrongful death lawsuits (brought by individuals NOT government, I might add) are expensive and pose an obvious risk to cost.

nope. Nothing compares to my 1998 Lumina - GM said it’s better than the camarey and i have 2 agree since my car still runs great when all those camreys rust out LOL.

I agree with you. I like rooting for the underdogs, and right now, Caddy and Lincoln are the underdogs. They got themselves there, they can certainly get themselves out of it, but it will take a lot of work, I mean, A LOT of work. They basically had a great thing going, and someone lit a match and burned it to the

If you’re running into asshole truckers on the road all day long, then maybe you’re the asshole.

Not possible. In order to be a lawyer, you have to be an asshole.

Serious question - I’m a mid 30’s attorney and my boss recently hired a very attractive 18 year old filing clerk, and she was super flirtatious with me right from the start. I advised her that I was flattered, but that that sort of behavior was inappropriate and I’d prefer that she stopped. She did not, and persisted

How in the hell are there still people who don’t know the Relationship Age Difference Creepiness Algorithm?

Disagree. They are a writing that was accepted by performance. Further, any additional acknowledgement of the debt would toll the statute of limitations to the time from which the debt was last acknowledged. And that is a writing, that was signed by the borrower, which is good for at least 6 yrs from the last text.

Lucy v. Zehmer. And no, I didn’t remember that off the top of my head. I had to google “drunk farmer contracts case” and it was the first result.

A giant, chrome beak.

I do. Had my Mustang for 10 years...and I still have lust in my eyes for it.

The only thing I really like is that the buyer did the true and proper thing in renaming this a 560i.

Man, if your comment is to shit on another man’s pride and joy, you need to step up your comment game.

The answer is no.

The dude’s like 7’3”, shouldn’t these things just be naturally expected of a guy that size?

Maybe I’ll start reading some more EULAs in the future.

Make no mistake, this girl was not an angel.

Nah, the NBA season is already too long. If they want to be radical they should cut down to 58 games and just play each team twice.