eh, an indictment is only a fancy word for a formal charge, a one-sided presentation made in anonymity, with no evidentiary rules to govern what the grand jury can see. hardly a finding of fact.
eh, an indictment is only a fancy word for a formal charge, a one-sided presentation made in anonymity, with no evidentiary rules to govern what the grand jury can see. hardly a finding of fact.
That hurt my brain and that email is DEFINITELY being used in the 2016 edition of Why Your Team Sucks: Houston Texans
Well, speaking from the perspective of an older generation, our experiences in the 1960s, 70s and 80s were that many cars (excluding Volvos) didn’t last much past 100k miles. I’m guessing that many folks are based in this oldthink. The odometers of the day reflected the “99,999.9 miles? hahaha” reality. Hell,…
They said this about European cars.
Well, except for the pyramid scheme fraud part.
The Dolphins replaced their happy Dolphin jumping through a hoop logo with one floundering while gasping for its last breath, which has to be the most on-brand logo change in history.
For used cars the most dominate dominant figure right now is CarMax, though there are others that offer a similar model. We have discussed previously how CarMax’s marketing is specifically targeted at towards folks that (are) petrified of negotiating the price of a car. CarMax has done very well, and has proven to…
“the price doesn’t change. Therefore, the perception is you can’t get ripped off buying a Tesla.”
I’ll happily pay MSRP if I can order online, get the exact colors and options I want (NOT option packages. The individual god damned options.), and have it delivered to my home or office without having to speak to a single person on the phone or face to face until the delivery truck driver hands me the keys.
Literally everything you said could be applied to women talking to men. The condescending tone this written with will not further your cause (whatever cause that is). Please, get your head out of your ass for the sake of society. Thank you.
So, basically, you think Trump – who by most people’s accounts is a joke and failure – is the bees knees. Got it. You do realize Trump talking out of both sides of his mouth about the auto industry, if he did become President, IS CAR NEWS, right?
Yes, there are cars without cupholders. No, holding that ice-cold Big Gulp between your legs is not a viable solution.
Don’t worry, pal. This just means you won the contest. You’re not even appreciated enough to make the list.
None of her allegations implicate SkyBar for dram shop liability. She doesn’t claim to have been incapacitated by being over-served. The allegations don’t include any misconduct at or by SkyBar. Also, in New York, the victim wouldn’t be able to hold SkyBar liable for over-serving her under the dram shop law. She was a…
Buying used with cash is the best way to buy cars imo. Cars haven’t really changed much in the past decade or so, you’re not losing out on anything by buying an older car. Who cares if you don’t have the latest infotainment system? Your smartphone is probably better than anything in a car. My 2001 BMW 540i has more…
Say it with me, everybody: a Mustang isn’t a muscle car!