Soylent Green is Burners

You didn’t need to tell us that you were a conservative; it was pretty clear from your tenuous grasp on reality and hilarious self-importance.

“I decided I’d rather be friends with Carlson instead.”

The conservative ability to turn literally anything into a self-congratulatory pat on the back...sometimes it’s just fucking incredible to behold.

You are, of course, welcome to your opinion, but your opinion fucking sucks.

No he might be onto something. After all, there was no political comedy or satire during the 60’s, right? That’s why the left was able to organize so efficiently back then.

If you can’t see the differences between Sandy Hook & Charleston you are both blind & ignorant of the world around you.

Stewart’s entire Daily Show empire is built on the blameworthy conceit that cable news networks—businesses that survive by selling Cialis ads against hyperventilating coverage of pop-star meltdowns, celebrity infidelities, and conspiracy theories about missing planes–should otherwise be capable of helping the American

If The Daily Show had any effect on our actual political culture, it was probably to the benefit of conservatives. In its absence, many young liberals might have confronted the George W. Bush years and engaged in actual political projects, like the campus left of the 1960s.

“that I decided I’d rather be friends with Carlson instead.”

No sentient human being would ever say that. Unless they were a humongous douchebag.

I am a biker. I hate loud pipes. My bike had an aftermarket Two Brothers slip on when I bought it, and I swapped it out for stock because I was tired of riding around feeling like I had an embarrassing social disease.

UConnect is so easy to use you don’t even have to be in the vehicle!

And here is all the things this guy had to do in only 10,000 miles of ownership

I’m a literary agent, and reading this self-pitying nonsense made me kind of angry. (By the way, Catherine/Tom, sending unsolicited queries is the most accessible way to reach us in the same sense that posting a personals ad on Craigslist is the most accessible path to a long-term relationship — technically true, but

You’d think with his fog lights on he’d have seen those people standing there.

yet another preventable tragedy

Ham No is the living embodiment of reading too much Hemingway.

Me: “Hey, Cortuna. Show me pictures of Mila Kunis.”

The car most vulnerable to hacking is the Civic. Look at all the hackjob riced Civics out there :p

Why suffer a Corolla? There’s a huge selection of used cars out there for that price, several of them are dead reliable.