
Can’t wait for the article that absolves Kevin Feige of all responsibility and how reportedly upset he is.

This looks a lot like the most recent K/DA thing.

It is amazing to see how people rally around and defend Marvel at all costs. People really believe Kevin Feige had no power here and he’s sad about this? Bullshit. He doesn’t have Disney power, but this thought that “oh he tried and he’s so good to the stars.”

I’m creeped out enough by the trailer where the little girl is suddenly pregnant.  I don’t know if he isn’t sure how babies are made or if the movie is just that weird but this will be a hard pass.

It was a pretty great scene. Also, as another commenter already pointed out, Cloud and Tifa totally bang.

No Azula, No Buy.

Can’t go wrong with William Daniels singing about how he could still bang.

I’m about as straight as they come, but Jason Isaacs with his hair down and then casually stabbing Heath Ledger is probably the closest I get to just embracing hidden thoughts.

There is a shit ton of arguing so I’m going to climb over the bodies and start using this as a suggestion box!

If Giant Vampire Lady truly loves Nakamura, she’ll break her out through the walls.

I was just going to say “not using healing items because I might need them later!” even at the end boss  I guess I’m pretty milquetoast compared to all of the rest.

Dog is the best actor on this show and they should have had him pinning trashing Daryl’s “reading room” on Carol.

Soylent Green’s Unsolicited Hot Take:

I don’t know what the point of them doing this song if they’re going to edit half of it out. Either play it or don’t.

Are you ready for Fear The Walking Dead Relationship Hunt 2.o?????  Maybe the shows will merge and you’ll get to see Daryl and Dwight looking for their girlfriends together, just with more Carol.

At least they showed the traditional redneck courtship ritual of throwing fish at one another to express interest.

Huh, so I guess duck and cover really does protect you from explosions.  Who knew?

Now playing

Behold: A better love story involving a ship sinking. This time between a pop singer and a lobster.

Spicer Lovejoy fused with the boat and gave it a thirst for revenge.  But SPOILER that’s the twist.